Dance celebrates Bernini's sculptural groups at Borghese Gallery

Dance pays homage to Bernini is the special event to be held on September 13, 2023 at the Borghese Gallery that will feature Eleonora Abbagnato and Sergio Bernal and Bernini's sculptural groups in the two extraordinary rounds.

On September 13, 2023, there will be anextraordinary opening of the Borghese Gallery: in fact, it will be possible to visit the permanent collection located on the ground floor beyond the usual opening hours, at 8:15 pm and 9:30 pm. In the two rounds of visits, each one hour long, the public will be accompanied in the event Dance pays homage to Bernini, which takes inspiration from the theatrical power of the work of the great Baroque master. Paying homage to him through dance will in fact be two leading figures of international dance, Eleonora Abbagnato, former étoile of the Opéra de Paris and director of the Corps de Ballet of the Rome Opera, and Sergio Bernal, former prima ballerina of the Ballet Nacional de España. With them, choreographers/dancers Sasha Riva and Simone Repele, each of whom will lead the audience along an immersive path, a journey through choreographic, artistic, historical and architectural suggestions that will lead to the discovery of works, stories, myths and artists, in an unprecedented dialogue between antiquity of art and modernity of inspiration, between history and contemporaneity. Also featured will be Rosaria Di Maro, Alessio Rezza, étoile of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, and other dancers from the Capitoline theater.

Dance pays homage to Bernini, in which different artistic expressions (dance, music and art) come together, intends to present stories that belong to everyone, the dancing projection of states of mind, works of art ’in motion’ in a seamless transition from marble scenes to tersical moments: from the eternal moment of sculpture to the fleeting one of the danced gesture.

The event will focus on three of Bernini’s sculptural groups, namely The Rape of Proserpine, Apollo and Daphne, and David, for a journey from the Hall of the Emperors to those of David and Apollo and Daphne, finally concluding in Mariano Rossi’s monumental hall.

From the ballet Le Parc (choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj), which has become one of Eleonora Abbagnato’s workhorses, the celebrated dancer will perform two highlights, the five-step known as “of the Gardeners” and the two-step known as “of the Kiss,” while Sergio Bernal will offer a dance from the work he created in honor of Rodin. There is anticipation for the new creation by Sasha Riva and Simone Repele, while, again in a contemporary vein, a particularly striking moment will be the solo created by the young choreographer Adriano Bolognino, for the dancer Rosaria Di Maro; this one, completely covered in clay, will be like a new Galatea that comes alive thanks to the sculptor’s ’breath.

Artistic direction by Daniele Cipriani

Participation is free except for the purchase of the museum entrance ticket, which is mandatory, by calling 06 32810 or through the website by going to PURCHASE. Tickets are limited. Availability while seats last.

Dance celebrates Bernini's sculptural groups at Borghese Gallery
Dance celebrates Bernini's sculptural groups at Borghese Gallery

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