Contemporary printmaking on display in Rome at the Central Institute for Graphics

The exhibition 'Peremptory Figure' showcasing contemporary printmaking works at the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome continues through July 30.

The exhibition Perentoria figura(Peremptory Figure), curated by Rita Bernini and Gabriella Bocconi, continues until July 30, showcasing to the public the works of three contemporary engravers linked to a “peremptory figuration”: Francesco Parisi (Rome, 1972), who prefers the technique of woodcut, Patrizio Di Sciullo (Fallo, Chieti, 1965) and Andrea Lelario (Rome, 1965), both distinguished by the use of etching and burin. A number of meetings and seminars dedicated to etching are planned as part of the exhibition, which is being held at theCentral Institute for Graphics in Rome.

The last of these will be held on Tuesday, June 27, at 4:30 p.m. in the Sala Dante of Palazzo Poli (headquarters of the Central Institute for Graphics): the title is The Languages of Art Graphics. Present will be the three artists, the curators of the exhibition, the authors of the texts, and also professors, scholars and professionals who will bring testimonies on didactics, historical heritage and languages of graphic art. In addition, the exhibition catalogs, created by the artists, will be presented during the meeting.

Some information about the artists: Parisi, who has lived in Rome, Paris and New York, has several exhibitions in galleries and museums in international contexts to his credit, and his works have entered the collections of the Bibliothèque Naitonale de France, the British Museum, the Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerp, the Prints Cabinet of the Vatican Museums, and the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome. Di Sciullo previously worked together with Gino De Dominicis and received commissions from the Vatican for the 2000 Jubilee. He has collaborated with the Vatican Library and teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Frosinone. His works are in the Biblioteca Marucelliana in Florence, the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica, and the Fondazione Bietti in Milan. Lelario, who like Parisi and Di Sciullo graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, has participated in the Rome Quadriennale and the Venice Biennale. He, too, has exhibited in several international exhibitions and currently teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Image: Francesco Parisi, O mia colomba che stai nelle fissure delle rocce (2015; woodcut on head wood)

Contemporary printmaking on display in Rome at the Central Institute for Graphics
Contemporary printmaking on display in Rome at the Central Institute for Graphics

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