Contemporary Art White Night in Massa tomorrow

The White Night of Contemporary Art in Massa kicks off on Saturday, July 1. Exhibitions and installations through the night throughout the city.

The White Night of Contemporary Art is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Saturday, July 1, in Massa: throughout the city’s historic center it will be possible to admire works of art and installations and visit exhibitions throughout the evening. The centerpiece of the event will be Palazzo Ducale: from 10:30 p.m. a video projection show will repeat every half hour on the facade of Piazza Aranci, which will be completely darkened for the occasion. Also until 10 p.m. it will be possible to visit the exhibition of Urs Lüthi and Arnold Mario Dall’O inside its halls.

In addition, exhibitions open until midnight: at the Diocesan Museum one can see the works of Lorenzo D’Andrea, at the Stanze del Guglielmi the exhibition of Nazzareno Guglielmi and Robert Carroll, and again at Palazzo Nizza the exhibition of Piero Mosti, at the Cloister of the Cathedral the works of Federico Garibaldi, in the premises of the Piano Terra Association on Via Cavour the works of Dani Vescovi and finally those of Mafalda Pegollo in Piazzetta Conca. Paintings by local artists will also be on display at commercial establishments in downtown Massa that participated in the Adopt-a-Picture initiative. And again, DJ sets in several squares in the historic center (Piazza Mercurio, Piazza Bertagnini, Galleria Da Vinci and Piazza Garibaldi). Acoustic concert in Piazzetta Conca and sound installation in Largo Del Nero. Finally, extraordinary opening of the Malaspina Castle is planned until midnight.

Contemporary Art White Night in Massa tomorrow
Contemporary Art White Night in Massa tomorrow

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