Coming soon, the fourth edition of Fotografica, Bergamo's Festival of Photography

From Oct. 14 to Nov. 19, 2023, the fourth edition of Fotografica, Bergamo Festival of Photography, will be held in Bergamo. Twelve exhibitions in Città Alta, between the Monastero del Carmine and the Ex Magazzini del Sale.

From Oct. 14 to Nov. 19, 2023, the fourth edition of Fotografica, Bergamo Photography Festival, directed by Daniela Sonzogni, organized by Associazione Fotografica APS in collaboration with the Municipality of Bergamo and this year included in the schedule of Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023, is scheduled.

This edition, entitled WE, HERE, intends to put the human being at the center of its investigation: man with his emotions, limitations, and frailties become a resource to draw from for the redemption of the individual and the community. Fotografica wants to tell the story of the human being in the challenge of everyday life, where courage, resilience, integration, solidarity, culture understood as care and vulnerability interpreted as strength are mixed.

Twelve exhibitions will be set up in Città Alta, at the Monastero del Carmine and at the Ex Magazzini del Sale.

On display will be: In a Window of Prestes Maia 911 Building by Julio Bittencourt; The day may break by Nick Brandt; Between these folded walls, Utopia by Cooper & Gorfer; Elementi by Edoardo Delille; Leaving and waving by Deanna Dikeman; Roma Revolution by Alessandro Gandolfi; Io non Scendo, curated by Laura Leonelli; Apnea by Fausto Podavini for Doctors Without Borders; The liberation of madness by Patrizia Riviera; Progetto Sport, between Dada and movement. Dynamic Rhythm in Ready, by Maurizio Galimberti; Na Ponta Dos Pés by Sebastian Gil Miranda; Cover Me With Gold, by Gianmarco Maraviglia.

In continuity with the 2021 edition, dedicated to the theme of the suburbs, Fotografica will also dedicate three exhibitions to sports, understood as a tool of social value and a means of redemption.

Workshops, talks and special events are planned throughout the festival.

For info and tickets:

Hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

Tickets: Full 10 euros, reduced 7 euros.

Coming soon, the fourth edition of Fotografica, Bergamo's Festival of Photography
Coming soon, the fourth edition of Fotografica, Bergamo's Festival of Photography

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