Ca' Pesaro Lounge: musical aperitifs at the International Gallery of Modern Art in Venice

Ca' Pesaro Lounge is MUVE's new initiative: a piano, a voice and the aromatic notes of thematically created cocktails resonate at the Modern Art Gallery of Venice for four evenings.

A piano, a voice and the aromatic notes of thematically created cocktails resonate at the Modern Art Gallery of Venice for four evenings: Friday, Sept. 6, Wednesday, Sept. 11, Wednesday, Oct. 2, and Friday, Oct. 11, from 6 to 9 p.m.

Ca’ Pesaro Lounge is MUVE’s new initiative, an opportunity to learn about and participate in the museum, together with exceptional musicians, pianists Matteo Alfonso and Paolo Vianello, and the voices of Francesca Bertazzo Hart and Sara Longo. Events to share and experience and everyday life in a place of culture, art, and the city, with the museum also exceptionally open in the evening hours until 8 pm.

In addition to the permanent collection, among the masterpieces by Auguste Rodin and The Thinker, Gustav Klimt with Judith II (Salome), Medardo Rosso, Giacomo Balla, Adolfo Wildt, Arturo Martini, Gino Rossi, Giorgio Morandi and Felice Casorati, on the dates Sept. 6 and 11, the large exhibition dedicated to Armando Testa and, in the Dom Pérignon rooms, Chiara Dynys. Style.

Also starring in the musical evenings will be the Cecilia piano, which returned to Ca’ Pesaro last spring after years of absence and a lengthy restoration due to high water damage in 2019. A new celebration for the first public piano to enter an Italian museum space - christened Cecilia after the patron saint of music and musicians - freely available for anyone who wants to play in the hallway of Ca’ Pesaro.

For info:

Exhibition dedicated to Armando Testa
Exhibition dedicated to Armando Testa
Armando Testa exhibition
Armando Testa exhibition
Ca' Pesaro Lounge
Ca’ Pesaro Lounge
Ca' Pesaro Lounge
Ca’ Pesaro Lounge
Chiara Dynys, Gate of Heaven. Photo by Andrea Luca Pernisa
Chiara Dynys, Gate of Heaven. Photo by Andrea Luca Pernisa

Ca' Pesaro Lounge: musical aperitifs at the International Gallery of Modern Art in Venice
Ca' Pesaro Lounge: musical aperitifs at the International Gallery of Modern Art in Venice

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