Bologna hosts the first small festival of iconic art

From January 24 to 26, 2020, Bologna will host Figurabilia, the first small festival of iconic art.

From January 24 to 26, 2020, the first edition of Figurabilia, a festival of figurative art, will be held in Bologna during Arte Fiera.

The small festival of iconic art aims to reflect on the issues of painting and drawing within the contemporary world.

At the center of the first edition is the female figure. The protagonists of the exhibitions will be, in fact, eight Italian artists from Bologna and all over Italy and their works, created during the last year and of particular interest for individual stylistic research; the works will address the theme of the feminine and the female gaze on the surrounding world. They will start from a reflection on the woman’s image of herself, moving on to an analysis of the surrounding world through the gaze on the other, to suggestions of domestic interiors. The techniques used will be varied, from oil painting to drawing, and the materials will also range from traditional painting techniques to embroidery, and even the use of rust.

For three days, Spazio Menomale on Via de’ Pepoli andOdeon Gallery on Via Mascarella will present a new way of sharing art that is based on multidisciplinarity and involvement. Artists will choose each other and intellectuals and professionals from various fields to create a direct confrontation, not only through exhibitions but also through workshops and meetings open to the public.

Special guest will be Carlo Micheli, who will deepen together with the artists the reflection on the theme of iconic painting in contemporaneity.

"Figurabilia is a wish come true. In Italy there is no landing place, no gathering point, for those who deal with contemporary figurative painting. Museum institutions or major events are often inattentive, but this is only an Italian anomaly. In several Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, there are institutions such as the National Portrait Galleries that are involved in doing constant research on new instances of figuration not to mention Portrait Societies that, as in the U.S., organize national conferences and study days on contemporary figuration. Figurabilia hopes to be the starting nucleus for building something similar," commented Antonella Cinelli, creator and artistic director of the festival.

Bologna hosts the first small festival of iconic art
Bologna hosts the first small festival of iconic art

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