Bianchi Bandinelli Association, a lecture series on preservation and enhancement with scholars and professionals of the younger generation

Scholars, professionals and journalists of the new generation to discuss the issues of protection and enhancement: start of Mondays of the Bianchi Bandinelli Association.

The Mondays of the Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli Association will start on Monday, February 26, a series of meetings entitled Horizons of Protection and Enhancement. New Generations in Comparison, which for four Mondays (always at 4 p.m.), in the spaces of theInstitute of the Italian Encyclopedia in Rome, will host the interventions of scholars, officials, professionals and journalists of the new generations, those who, as the presentation states, “most recently are trying to give answers to the current problems and challenges of the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, without minimizing the serious critical issues but also without being chained by defeatism.”

The cultural heritage sector, in the last ten hanni, has in fact gone through “a period of complex transformations, due both to the succession of reforms of the administration, often controversial and sometimes clumsy, and to profound changes in society’s relationship with culture and its modes of fruition.” As a result, “current and future heritage professionals, at all levels, cannot fail to confront a situation that presents itself with great opportunities for revitalization and at the same time with criticalities, with chronic problems related to shortages of funds and personnel, and with the ambiguities of many of the solutions put forward.” Many of the issues in the current debate on cultural heritage will therefore be the subject of the four meetings, which stem from the awareness that “we are faced with the challenging task of managing to combine the quantity of an increasingly wide with the quality of cultural experience, avoiding the reduction of heritage to aproblematic fact, expanding the relationship with different types of audiences without abdicating the complexity of history, the need for in-depth study and experimentation.”

Below is the program of the meetings, curated by Claudio Gamba, Cettina Mangano, Sara Parca and Stefania Ventra, in which “facts and hypotheses will be discussed with a free and constructive critical spirit” (more information at Each meeting will be followed by discussion with the audience and light refreshments.

Monday, Feb. 26, 4 p.m. - Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Sala Igea, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4
Theory and practice of cultural heritage: training and the profession.
The crisis of disciplines, disciplinary boundaries and professional profiles. The relationship between theoretical training and the acquisition of practical skills. The point on the recognition and lists of professionals under the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code.
Introduced and coordinated by Claudio Gamba (Bianchi Bandinelli Association). Speakers: Enrico Gullo (Doctoral student - University of Florence), Salvo Barrano (President National Association of Archaeologists), Emanuele Pellegrini (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca).

Monday, March 12, 4 p.m. - Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Sala Igea, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4
Public/Public: how to reconcile quantity and quality of museum fruition?
The “tyranny of numbers”. New forms of appreciation in museums, education, and ways to engage broader audiences. The issue of museum audience profiling: ways of including and diversifying levels of enjoyment.
Introduces and coordinates: Giovanna Sarti (Bianchi Bandinelli Association). Speakers: Paolo Giulierini (Director National Archaeological Museum of Naples), Cristina Da Milano (President ECCOM), Sofia Bilotta (MAXXI - Education Office)

Monday, April 16, 4 p.m. - Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Sala Igea, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4
Tourism, heritage, territory: a possible integration
The cohabitation between mass tourism and heritage protection as a major cultural challenge. The network of assets spread throughout the territory. Associationism, civic participation, heritage education.
Introduces and coordinates: Paola Nicita (Bianchi Bandinelli Association). Speakers: Simona Maggiorelli (Director in charge of LEFT), Cristina Miedico (Director of the Civico Museo Archeologico e Museo Diffuso di Angera), Isabella Ruggiero (AGTAR - Associazione Guide Turistiche Abilitate Roma).

Monday, May 14, 4 p.m. - Rome, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana - Sala Igea, Piazza della Enciclopedia Italiana, 4
Real heritage and virtual heritage: communication, participation, sharing
Culture as a form of democratic participation and dialogue among peoples. The potential and risks of heritage communication through the web and social networks. The problem of training and recruitment of cultural communication workers.
Introduces and coordinates: Stefania Ventra (Bianchi Bandinelli Association)
Speakers: Astrid D’Eredità (Archaeologist expert in digital communication, founder of ArcheoPop), Federico Giannini (Director in charge of Finestre sull’Arte), Erminia Sciacchitano (European Commission - DG Education and Culture)

Bianchi Bandinelli Association, a lecture series on preservation and enhancement with scholars and professionals of the younger generation
Bianchi Bandinelli Association, a lecture series on preservation and enhancement with scholars and professionals of the younger generation

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