ART VIEW Festival: in Cascina, dance and art united in Virgilio Sieni's Solo Goldberg Variations

On Thursday, March 16, 2024, dancer and choreographer Virgilio Sieni will bring his "Solo Goldberg Variations" to Cascina's Theater City. The performance between art and dance is part of the program of the ART VIEW festival "Women in Art."

On the occasion of the ART VIEW 2024 Festival "Women in Art," dancer and choreographer Virgilio Sieni will be on stage at the City of Theater in Cascina (Pisa) on Thursday, March 16, 2024 at 8:30 p.m. with Solo Goldberg Variations. A manifesto of his choreographic art, Solo Goldberg Vari ations aims to be an emblematic performance of Virgilio Sieni’s research on the body and languages of dance and art, playing on variations and quotations ranging from dance techniques to cinema, from art history to popular culture.

Johann Sebastian Bach ’s Goldberg Variations define an immaterial metric and architecture in which dance is inscribed in a continuous rethinking of the body; a body that is articulated from a path of figures drawn from Italian art history between the 14th and 17th centuries. A gestural journey that transmigrates from one figure to the next, in interweavings and chiasms, through resonances and unveilings. The body assimilates images of the past and becomes the threshold through which to reflect on the future.

"There is no linear path in Solo Goldberg Variations," Virgilio Sieni declares, “but a jolting from one part of the body and space to another: a work based on the recognition and renewal of the relationship between improvisation and variation, between gestures of memory and pictorial postures, adumbrations and flashes of light. Of course, I improvise. I let myself be seized by a continuous astonishment, an imperceptible becoming of being. I rigorously ’peel off’ the body and with fatigue and pain, as well as with lightness and a desire to cross over, I reflect on the sense of disappearance: to move in order to disappear, to become other, to make the body weigh down in order to leave only footprints and traces. I think the Goldberg Variations is not an invitation to dance, but an act of reflection and true experience where nothing appears but a ’skinned’ body. Here is that this work,” Sieni continues, “becomes each time an atlas of path, an act on weaknesses, imperfections, fragilities, something that wants to pierce the body to give itself to the figure, to penetrate into the folds and the archaeology of the vertebrae, something that makes the body tragicomic clown of today.”

On stage, Sieni will be accompanied by pianist Andrea Rebaudengo. A meeting with the company is scheduled at the end of the performance.

The ART VIEW 2024 “Women in Art” festival will be held from Saturday, May 11 to Sunday, May 19, 2024 at Cascina’s Theater City: nine days of meetings, exhibitions, performances and concerts with international artists, critics, experts and writers.

For info:

Thursday, May 16, 8:30 p.m.
National Center for Dance Production Virgilio Sieni presents Solo Goldberg Variations
choreography, space and lights Virgilio Sieni
with Virgilio Sieni (dance) and Andrea Rebaudengo (piano)
music J.S. Bach, Goldberg Variations
in collaboration with Fondazione Teatro A. Ponchielli Cremona, Oriente Occidente Festival
with the contribution of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Dipartimento dello Spettacolo, Regione Toscana, Comune di Firenze - Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Siena - Assessorato alla Cultura

Ticket numbered seat 10 euros (carnet 6 shows 30 euros)
Advance sale at the theater and online at Ticketone
info 050744400;

ART VIEW Festival: in Cascina, dance and art united in Virgilio Sieni's Solo Goldberg Variations
ART VIEW Festival: in Cascina, dance and art united in Virgilio Sieni's Solo Goldberg Variations

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