Art View, a new cultural festival, is born in Tuscany. First edition is on women in art

A new cultural festival is born in Tuscany: it's called Art View, it's held at Cascina's Theater City from May 11 to 19, and the first edition is entirely dedicated to women who have emerged in the history of art.

A new cultural festival, entirely dedicated to art, is coming to Tuscany. It is Art View, hosted from May 11 to 19 at the Città del Teatro in Cascina (Pisa): the first edition will be entirely dedicated to women who have managed to emerge in the history of art, long dominated by male figures, thanks to their strength and creativity. During these nine days, the festival will offer meetings, exhibitions, performances and concerts with the participation of international artists, critics, experts and writers. Organized by the Fondazione Sipario Toscana with the support of the Fondazione Pisa and the collaboration of Finestre sull’Arte, Art View 2024 was created on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of La Città del Teatro, an important place in Italy for its history, size and vocation. It is a festival dedicated to women whose lives and works have helped transform the role of women in the arts.

During the festival, the Theater City’s multifunctional spaces will host international popularizers, critics, writers and experts who will talk about the theme “Women in Art” through a journey through literature, theater, music and photography.

On Saturday, May 11 at 11:45 a.m., after the institutional greetings, Cristina Acidini, former Superintendent of the Museum Pole of the City of Florence, will open the festival with the Lectio Magistralis Le donne nell’arte. The day will continue at 5:30 p.m. with a concert dedicated to painter Carmen McRae The songs Carmen sang by Serena Berneschi 5tet and Cocco Cantini. This will be followed at 9 p.m. by the exceptional event Impression of a Woman - The Vibrant Years of Late 19th Century France, during which actress Gaia Nanni will narrate the Impressionist artists through Daniela Morelli’s original texts, accompanied by Sandro Ivo Bartoli’s candlelight concert, with music by Debussy, Ravel and Satie.

On Sunday, May 12, at 11 a.m., the exhibition Fotografe dagli Archivi Alinari curated by Emanuela Sesti, an exhibition of works by Wanda and Marion Wulz, Edith Arnaldi and Ketty La Rocca, will be inaugurated. Following this, there will be a conference dedicated to the Wulz sisters, with talks by Giorgio van Straten, president of the Alinari Foundation, and Emanuela Sesti, scientific consultant of the Alinari Foundation.

During the festival, space will be given to art in all its forms. For this, on Sunday, May 12 at 12:30 p.m., internationally renowned street artist Gio Pistone will publicly present the sketch of the mural he will create in the spaces of the Theater City. This work, commissioned by the Fondazione Sipario Toscana, aims to create an increasingly close link with all forms of art. At 5:30 p.m., Federico Giannini, director of Finestre sull’Arte, will tell the story of Jo, Johanna Bonger Van Gogh, Vincent’s sister-in-law (it is to her that we owe the fame of the famous painter), in the lecture La donna che svelò Van Gogh, a narration accompanied by actors Anna Lisa Matarazzo and Nicola Fanucchi. At 9 p.m., a great international performer of popular music will take the stage: Portuguese Teresa Salgueiro (formerly Madredeus), accompanied for the occasion by the Solis String Quartet and Rui Lobato, for the exclusive concert Canti naviganti.

On Thursday, May 16 at 8:30 p.m., renowned dancer and choreographer Virgilio Sieni, together with pianist Andrea Rebaudengo, will stage Solo Goldberg Variations, a project exploring the languages of body and dance in continuous interaction with Italian painting from 1300 to 1600. On Friday, May 17 at 9 p.m., Caterina Casini will star in Woman before a glass, a story based on a screenplay by Lanie Robertson that chronicles the life of 20th-century art collector Peggy Guggenheim. Through the technique of video-mapping, the show reveals the intimacy of this iconic figure.

Saturday, May 18, will be entirely dedicated to the painter Frida Kahlo: at 6 p.m., the group Madaus will present the album Frida in concert, while at 9 p.m., Karen Lugo and Manfredi Gelmetti will perform Frida Kahlo Bailando a la vida, a show in which flamenco becomes a witness and source of inspiration for the artist, recounting her life through music and memories shared with Diego Rivera.

On Sunday, May 19, the final day of the festival will be dedicated to Artemisia Gentileschi: at 5:30 p.m. there will be a reading entitled Con gli occhi di Artemisia, curated by Marco Antonio Bazzocchi and Marinella Manicardi. At 6:30 pm, actress Amanda Sandrelli will play the painter in the event Artemisia Gentileschi. Impossible Interview, where she will be interviewed by Professor Adriano Fabris. At 9 p.m., the last performance of the festival will be held, Claroscuro De Artemisia, which combines contemporary dance, music and theater to portray the figure of Artemisia Gentileschi. This show won the Santa Isabel de Portugal award for best dance performance in 2023.

In addition, from Friday, May 17 to Sunday, May 19 at 6:30 p.m., female photography will be the focus of the literary meetings Eyes of a Woman, curated by journalist and writer Roberto Ippolito. During these meetings, they will discuss Letizia Battaglia with Sabrina Pisu, Francesca Woodman with Isabella Pedicini and Tina Modotti with Pietro Colussi.

The topic of women artists and science will be addressed on Wednesday, May 15 at 11 a.m. during a conference organized in collaboration with EGO, the European Gravitational Observatory in Cascina, with support from the Deloitte Foundation. The event, entitled A precise point to the stars: female scientists listening to the cosmos, will feature Pia Astone of La Sapienza University of Rome and other female scientists, with Edwige Pezzulli moderating.

On Thursday, May 16 at 6 p.m., there will be a meeting Philosophy interrogates Art - Dramaturgy challenges AI - human or artificial writing?, in collaboration with the University of Pisa. During this event, Vincenzo Ambriola, Adriano Fabris, Daniela Morelli and Giuseppe Prencipe will speak to discuss the relationship between philosophy, art and artificial intelligence. For younger children, the free art workshop “A Beautiful City,” curated by Dario Moretti, will be held on Tuesday, May 14 and Wednesday, May 15.

The meetings, exhibition and lectures will be free admission by reservation, the shows (with the exception of the concert “Canti naviganti,” tickets from €23 to €35 plus presale fees), will cost €10 and it will be possible to purchase at the theater the carnet of 6 shows for €30 (presale at the theater and Ticketone circuit). The Art View Festival thus aims to offer the public new connections and thematic strands, creating new situations for meeting, reflection and entertainment in the area. Full program at, information at and at 050 744400. The theater bar will also be open during the festival. Aperitifs and brunch reservations required at

“With the new management of the Foundation,” says Michelangelo Betti, mayor of Cascina, “the artistic offer of the Cascina theater has grown. If we also go to look at this review, the common feature, beyond the theme addressed, is that of multidisciplinarity: in fact, music, photography, literature, different arts are put together with theater, which are synthesized in an event with many appointments and which engages the facilities of the Cascina theater for nine days. It is also cause for satisfaction to see partnerships, as well as the growth of relationships with the local area. For this we also thank the Pisa Foundation, which has seen in this review distinctive and worthy characteristics to be supported.”

“The first edition of the Art View Festival was born from the desire to tell the story of women artists who have created works and beauty over the centuries, figures who had to struggle to establish themselves in a purely male artistic world and who are still unknown to most people today,” says Pier Paolo Tognicchi, president of Fondazione Sipario Toscana. “The Theater City is by its nature a multifunctional space that can host not only the performing arts, as it has done for decades, but has a natural vocation to accommodate all artistic expressions, so during the festival, international artists and professionals will introduce us to the lives and works of women artists between art, photography, theater, literature and music, creating a dialogue between the various art forms.”

“The Art View 2024 Festival celebrates women in art, promoting the story of the strength and ability with which they have managed to emerge and succeed despite obstacles and difficulties in a predominantly male-dominated world. The Pisa Foundation could not fail to lend its support to an event like this, whose chosen topic is to be appreciated,” says Stefano Del Corso, president of the Pisa Foundation. “Reading the program prepared by the organizers, one is struck by the variety of forms in which the story of these female talents will be articulated: from music, to photography exhibitions, from meetings, to readings, to dance. And the multiplicity of stories, some better known others to be discovered with the help of artists, experts and popularizers. We are happy to make our contribution and to host the official presentation of the review in Pisa. In addition, also to celebrate 30 years of the Cascina Theatre City.”

Cascina Theatre City
’s City of Theater

The full program


11 a.m. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo Hall

Festival Inauguration Art View 2024 - Women in Art

11:45 a.m. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo hall

lectio magistralis by Cristina Acidini


Cristina Acidini’s lectio will offer news and images of women artists between the 1500s and the 1700s, from the famous Artemisia Gentileschi to others valorized by recent “gender studies,” with a look at the role of women artists in pre-unification Italy in which women, often “daughters of art,” were constrained between censorship rules and redefinition of roles, with a few exceptions such as the last Medici, a great patron of the arts.

5:30 p.m. - Margherita Hack Hall



Serena Berneschi 5tet feat. Stefano “Cocco” Cantini

Tuscany Music Production

to follow presentation of Serena Berneschi’s book La pittrice di suoni. Life and Music of Carmen McRae, 96 rue de-La-Fontaine Editions

ticket 10€

“The Songs Carmen Sang” project aims to celebrate Carmen McRae (1920-1994) considered one of the most influential and communicative performers of the 20th century. Leading us in the discovery of McRae will be Serena Berneschi, a young Tuscan singer who with this project will project us, into the musical world of Carmen McRae, ranging from Gershwin to Cole Porter, from Burt Bacharach to Michel Legrand, from Monk to unreleased pieces by McRae herself and Berneschi.

9 p.m. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo Hall

staged reading/concert

WOMAN’S IMPRESSION - The vibrant years of France in the late 1800s.

story by Gaia Nanni, concert by Sandro Ivo Bartoli, texts by Daniela Morelli, music by Eric Satie, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel and others

Tuscany Curtain Foundation

ticket 10€

Gaia Nanni will recount the lives of Impressionist painters Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzales and Susan Valadon, protagonists of the exciting years in late 19th-century France when women began to claim the opportunity to exhibit alongside painters, giving rise to the modernizing work that finds a correspondence in the music of Satie, Debussy and Ravel, evoked by pianist Sandro Ivo Bartoli in a candlelight concert.


11 a.m. - foyer Hall Franca Rame and Dario Fo

inauguration of the exhibition FOTOGRAFE DAGLI ARCHIVI ALINARI

curated by Emanuela Sesti

Twenty framed modern prints by photographers Wanda and Marion Wulz, Edith Arnaldi and Ketty La Rocca.

11:30 a.m. - Theatre City Pub.

conference dedicated to Wanda and Marion Wulz

Speakers Giorgio Van Straten President Alinari Foundation and Emanuela Sesti scientific consultant of Alinari Foundation.

12:30 p.m. - Theater City Pub.


GIO PISTONE. When Street Art is a Woman.

Meeting with artist Gio Pistone and curator Gianguido Grassi, association (stART ATTITUDE).

Presentation of the project for the Theatre City mural.

5:30 p.m. - Margherita Hack room



curated by Federico Giannini, director of Finestre Sull’Arte

with Anna Lisa Matarazzo and Nicola Fanucchi

Federico Giannini, director of “Finestre sull’Arte,” will tell the story of Jo, Johanna Bonger Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh’s sister-in-law and herself a painter and translator of Vincent’s letters into English, a key figure in the painter’s affirmation after his suicide. A three-voice account of the journey Jo Van Gogh-Bonger undertook to introduce Vincent’s art to the world.

9 p.m. hall Franca Rame and Dario Fo



Teresa Salgueiro & Solis String Quartet with Rui Lobato


tickets from 23€ to 35€

Teresa Salgueiro (former voice of Madredeus) accompanied for the occasion by the Solis String Quartet and percussionist Rui Lobato presents the concert “Canti naviganti” in which Neapolitan and Portuguese songs meet to tell and reaffirm the importance that music and popular cultures have in the world.


3 p.m. - reduced room



vision didactics workshop for teachers and operators curated by Giorgio Testa, Casa dello Spettatore The workshop will be a first opportunity to start a research that relates spectator education paths born in the live performance field with didactic methodologies and popular paths born in the world of Art. The workshop will allow us to give substance to the dialogue between visual and performing art, experimenting with a method of vision education that works on the two languages in an organic way.

Limited number of places for the workshop - Reservation required


10 a.m. - Liceo “F. Russoli”



vision didactics workshop for adolescents curated by Giorgio Testa, House of the Spectator

3 p.m. - Palazzo Blu, Pisa



vision didactics workshop for teachers and operators curated by Giorgio Testa, Casa dello Spettatore

10 a.m. and 6 p.m. - reduced room



theater and painting workshop for girls, boys and their families

curated by Dario Moretti, Teatro all’Improvviso

Not just a painting workshop, but a real first theater workshop that gives the opportunity to experiment with the use of the voice and warm up the body, discovering and training their expressive skills. During the activity, children get to play and move around the drawing by painting a city that may be an imaginary place but also represents the very particular way their eyes see the spaces they inhabit.

Limited number of places for the workshop - Reservations required


10 a.m. and 6 p.m. - reduced room



theater and painting workshop for girls, boys and their families

curated by Dario Moretti, Teatro all’Improvviso

11 a.m. - Margherita Hack hall



with Pia Astone and other female scientists in definition

moderated by Edwige Pezzulli

in collaboration with EGO, Cascina’s European Gravitational Observatory and the support of Deloitte Foundation, the event aims to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities open to girls in the field of science by affirming the need for greater gender balance in STEM, starting with Margherita Hack and artist Sissi’s sculpture of her, which represents her and sets an example for younger generations of women.


6 p.m. - Margherita Hack room



with Vincenzo Ambriola, Adriano Fabris, Daniela Morelli and Giuseppe Prencipe

In collaboration with The University of Pisa

The meeting proposes the Turing test to the audience, that is, it measures the ability of human intelligence to distinguish an answer produced by artificial intelligence gives an answer produced by a playwright, both interpreted in a podcast by Pamela Villoresi. Will the audience be able to tell the difference?

8:30 p.m. hall Franca Rame and Dario Fo



National Dance Production Center Virgilio Sieni

choreography by Virgilio Sieni, piano Andrea Rebaudengo

to follow meeting The Academy on the art of gesture

ticket 10€

A manifesto performance of Virgilio Sieni’s choreographic art, emblematic of his research on the languages of dance in dialogue with art, it is a work that plays on variations and quotations ranging from dance techniques to cinema, from art history to popular culture starting from a path of figures taken from the history of Italian art included in the period between the 1300s and the 1600s.


6:30 p.m. - La Città del Teatro Pub


EYES OF WOMEN The protagonists of female photography curated by Roberto Ippolito

TINA MODOTTI as seen by Pietro Colussi

followed by documentary screening Tinissima. The dogma and passion of Laura Martinez Diaz Conversation between journalist Roberto Ippolito and Pietro Colussi based on the volume “Tina Modotti. L’opera” published by Dario Cimorelli Editore. Followed by a screening of the documentary “Tinissima. Dogma and Passion” by Mexican director Laura Martinez Diaz produced by Cinemazero and Mexico’s Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.

9 p.m. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo hall



Permanent Laboratories

with Caterina Casini

ticket 10€

Lanie Robertson’s text provides an opportunity to see moments from the private life of Peggy Guggenheim, the 20th-century collector of Modern Art who shaped the perception of Art in Italy and around the world through her passion and work. An almost intimate account of Peggy, played by Caterina Casini, where the whole world around her passes through images that flow quickly through the video-mapping technique on stage.


11:30 a.m. - La Città del Teatro Pub


EYES OF WOMEN The protagonists of female photography curated by Roberto Ippolito

FRANCESCA WOODMAN seen by Isabella Pedicini

Conversation between journalist Roberto Ippolito and art historian Isabella Pedicini based on the book “Francesca Woodman. The Roman years between skin and film,” published by Contrasto. in which the photographer’s work is reconstructed, her use of the body as language, the influences of Breton’s texts and the echoes of surrealism identifying, at the center of her work, the topos of metamorphosis as a continuation of life.

6 p.m. - La Città del Teatro Pub



voice Aurora Pacchi, percussion and piano Antonella Gualandri, bass David Dainelli


Frida is Madaus’ third album entirely dedicated to the figure of Frida Kahlo with four original songs and four covers of Chavela Vargas’ repertoire. The concert is an unfinished journey that started in New York, with the colors of Mexico and Mediterranean sounds, taking in traditional songs, unreleased songs, roots and passion.

9 p.m. hall Franca Rame and Dario Fo



by Manfredi Gelmetti

with Claudia Culpo and Manfredi Gelmetti

ticket 10€

Frida was as visionary an artist as her paintings, making painting the most versatile tool for expressing her desperate vitality. In this performance flamenco becomes the protagonist, witness and salvation of Frida, told by the director himself through the fusion of words, music and the memories of Diego Rivera.


11:30 a.m. - Pub of The City of Theater


EYES OF WOMEN The protagonists of female photography curated by Roberto Ippolito

LETIZIA BATTAGLIA as seen by Sabrina Pisu

Conversation between journalist Roberto Ippolito and Sabrina Pisu author, together with Letizia Battaglia, of the book “Mi prendo il mondo ovunque sia” published by Einaudi and curator of “Letizia Battaglia. Without End” published by Electa. The world of the Palermo photographer at the center of the conversation between photography, politics and life.

5:30 p.m. - La Città del Teatro Pub.



by Marco Antonio Bazzocchi

two-voice reading by Marco Antonio Bazzocchi and Marinella Manicardi

This two-voice reading interweaves Artemisia’s real voice, the one that emerges in the trial, with the voice of the Artemisia recreated in Anna Banti’s book. Actress Marinella Manicardi and Professor of Modern Letters at the University of Bologna Marco A. Bazzocchi take turns in researching Artemisia, a character who still today, having become a myth, attracts with all her ambiguities as a woman and an artist.

6:30 p.m. - Margherita Hack Hall



with Adriano Fabris and Amanda Sandrelli

text by Daniela Morelli

Tuscany Curtain Foundation

Professor Adriano Fabris, president of the Italian Society of Philosophy will conduct his “Impossible Interview” with Artemisia played by Amanda Sandrelli. An interesting opportunity, thanks to Daniela Morelli’s dramaturgy, to delve into the artistic and human story of the 17th-century painter through a reflection that tries to bring out a possible voice of the artist.

9 p.m. - Franca Rame and Dario Fo hall



with Ana Continente and Pilar Almalé

Costumes: Taimyr Faye and Maldita María

Compañia Ana Continente Dance

ticket 10€

Scenic fantasy weaving contemporary dance, music and theater to represent, once again and with new languages, the figure of Artemisia Gentileschi. Dancer Ana Continente and violagambist Pilar Almalé interpret the life and work of one of the seventeenth-century painters who, surprisingly, still resonates powerfully in our present, The show was the winner of the “Santa Isabel de Portugal” award for best dance performance 2023.

Art View, a new cultural festival, is born in Tuscany. First edition is on women in art
Art View, a new cultural festival, is born in Tuscany. First edition is on women in art

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.