Art Basel surrenders to coronavirus: skip 2020 edition, see you next year

Skipping the 2020 edition of Art Basel because of coronavirus: the fair reschedules everyone for 2021.

No dice for Art Basel: even the world’s most important contemporary art fair must surrender to the coronavirus. Indeed, the management of the Swiss event has decided to cancel the 2020 edition in Basel and give everyone an appointment for 2021.

“Art Basel,” reads a note, “announces that the 2020 Basel edition has been cancelled. Although there are hopeful signs coming from countries emerging from the lockdown, the global situation remains precarious and, unfortunately, too many uncertainties hover over the fair. These include the health risks that large gatherings of people pose, restrictions on intercontinental travel, and Switzerland’s unclear rules on Art Basel-sized events. Given these uncertainties, we believe the best choice about the Basel event is to focus on next year’s edition to deliver a fair of exceptional international quality such as the art world expects. Art Basel’s thoughts are with all those who have been affected around the world. These are trying times: we wish you all the best until we can meet again.”

For the 2021 edition, there are already dates: the fair will be held June 17-20 next year.

Art Basel surrenders to coronavirus: skip 2020 edition, see you next year
Art Basel surrenders to coronavirus: skip 2020 edition, see you next year

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