Are Italian museums ready for digital? Experts speak in our magazine

Eleven cultural figures discuss the topic of 'museums and digital' in the new issue of our print magazine.

It will all be dedicated to the theme “Italian museums and digital” the usual debate that will be hosted in the pages of our printed magazine Finestre Sull’Arte on paper: this is the topic we have chosen for issue 7 of the magazine (due out in September) and on which we have called eleven experts to express their views. To read the magazine it is necessary to subscribe (four issues a year, for a total of about 700 pages, at the modest price of 29.90 euros): at this link all the instructions.

That of museums and digital is an issue that has been debated for a long time, but there seems to be a struggle in our country to understand the importance of technological means. How can the skills of those trained to work in digital be enhanced? Is investment in digital sufficient? How can the needs of new social tools coexist with those of knowledge dissemination? How are museums equipping themselves to have digital tools that enhance the user experience (e.g., with online sales while avoiding queues, with audio guides to download)? In short, are Italian museums ready for the digital challenge? We put these questions to museum directors, university professors and subject matter experts to take stock of the situation on digital in museums in Italy.

Here are those who will be speaking on the topic: Deborah Agostino (director of Osservatorio Innovazione Digitale nei Beni e Attività Culturali, Politecnico di Milano), Alessandro Bollo (Director Polo del ’900, Turin), Maria Elena Colombo (professor of Multimedia and Cultural Heritage, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera), Cinzia Compalati (director Museo Diffuso Empolese Valdelsa), Laura Dal Prà (director Castello del Buonconsiglio), Antonella Gioli (professor of Museology and Art Criticism and Restoration at theUniversity of Pisa; creator of the “Musei Chiusi Musei Aperti” Observatory), Valentino Nizzo (director Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia), Luca Ponzio (entrepreneur, co-founder of Haltadefinizione), Francesca Rossi (director Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona), Alfonsina Russo (director Parco Archeologico del Colosseo), Annalisa Zanni (director Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan).

To subscribe there is time only until August 16. The appointment is then in a few days on the pages of Finestre sull’Arte on paper.

Pictured, above: Agostino, Bollo, Colombo, Compalati, Dal Prà, Gioli. Below: Nizzo, Ponzio, Rossi, Russo, Zanni.

Are Italian museums ready for digital? Experts speak in our magazine
Are Italian museums ready for digital? Experts speak in our magazine

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