A major immersive exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh arrives in Naples. Also reconstructed is the famous Bedroom

The seventeenth-century Church of San Potito in Naples hosts from Jan. 2 to April 30, 2023, a major immersive exhibition dedicated to Vincent van Gogh that combines digital art, educational information and virtual reality.

From Jan. 2 to April 30, 2023, the 17th-century Church of San Potito in Naples will host the traveling immersive exhibition Van Gogh: the Immersive Experience, marking the 170th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s birth. A 360-degree digital art experience, where visitors are invited to enter the world of the famous Dutch artist; the event combines digital art, educational information and virtual reality.

The fulcrum of the immersive experience is an environment in which sixty projectors bring to life three hundred and fifty of Van Gogh’s works over an area of one thousand square meters, including walls, ceiling and floor. All accompanied by looping sounds and lights.

One space, on the other hand, is dedicated to the study of the artist’s pictorial art: the public will have the opportunity to watch a five-minute documentary to understand everything there is to know about the techniques he used. In addition, in another room the famous Bedroom is reconstructed.

Dedicated to the little ones (and more) is the Color and Publish space, where children and their families can create works inspired by Van Gogh’s masterpieces to take with them as a souvenir of their visit. Finally, thanks to a virtual reality visor, one will have the opportunity to live a day in his life.

The duration of the visit is about 60 minutes. The immersive exhibition is organized by Exhibition Hub in collaboration with Fever.

For more info: https://vangoghexpo.com/napoli

Hours: Daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Wednesdays.

A major immersive exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh arrives in Naples. Also reconstructed is the famous Bedroom
A major immersive exhibition dedicated to Van Gogh arrives in Naples. Also reconstructed is the famous Bedroom

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