The third edition of the Ro.Me Museum Exhibition was presented this morning at a digital press conference, which, given the circumstances, this year will be held entirely online, November 25-27. The event presents itself as a professional and international platform for institutions and companies operating in the field of museums, culture and art, with Andrea Billi in the role of scientific coordinator: the organization is by Fiera di Roma and ISI.Urb, under the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Lazio Region, Roma Capitale, Unioncamere Lazio and the Chamber of Commerce of Rome. The fair, which will take place through webinars, meetings and videoconferences, addresses a wide variety of topics this year.
They range from the inclusive museum, delving into topics such as storytelling, social impact, audience development and engagement, to the values of the Italian museum system, cno focus on small and medium-sized museums. A great deal of attention will be paid to the theme of digital transformation: strategies and experiences to bring the collections of museums, archives and libraries online (and beyond), expanding the audience for culture will be discussed. Another theme among the main ones isart patronage: so there will be focuses on the world of patronage, its protagonists, the Art Bonus and sponsorships. And again, we will talk about art foundations, which are considered great Italian excellences in the research and promotion of contemporary art, and then about professional skills, risks and challenges that cultural heritage faces nowadays. The five-hundredth anniversary of Raphael will not be forgotten either, which will be approached from a ... professional point of view: so there will be an in-depth look at the exhibition on Raphael at the Scuderie del Quirinale, which will be discussed as a model of programming and reorganization of calendars and canons of exhibition fruition in the age of pandemic.
Then there will be the second edition of the Traveling Exhibition Meeting and Marketplace (TEMM), a format that presents Italian cultural products to an audience of international professionals to facilitate the exchange of exhibition projects. The 2020 edition will be a special one that will talk about the contribution that traveling exhibitions have made to museums in overcoming the crisis caused by Covid-19. Ro.Me. Exhibition, given the health emergency, has organized a special online platform to allow the public to virtually experience the exhibitions created by Italian museums this year. But through the platform it will also be possible to participate in workshops and one-on-one meetings in which to exchange ideas.
In collaboration with Fondazione Santagata per l’Economia della Cultura, a special prize will also be awarded with the aim of providing visibility and recognition to a sustainable development project, in line with the United Nations Agenda 2030 Goals, implemented or initiated within a UNESCO-designated territory or community on the national territory.
The 2020 edition of RO.ME will be opened by the inaugural conference in the presence of Italian museum directors promoted by the Directorate General of Museums at which the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Dario Franceschini and Director General of Museums Massimo Osanna will speak. In addition to the rich program of conferences, which will have a special character for the in-depth scientific study centered on the impacts of the pandemic on the sector, RO.ME will present the first Italian summit on cultural and creative industries related to the chains of museums and cultural tourism. A moment of comparison and proposal with the aim of broadening the system of relations to the most relevant European and extra-continental experiences, fostering business matching, and attracting the interest of private investors and decision makers and industry buyers.
“The exhibition sector,” said Lorenza Bonaccorsi, undersecretary of MiBACT, who spoke at the press conference, “is one of the sectors most in difficulty; we at MiBACT are the only ministry that has allocated a fund for this sector and we are insisting with Mise that it take action to further expand this fund.”
“We know that museums are suffering a lot right now, however, it does not mean opting for fear by counting losses,” said Lorenzo Tagliaventi, president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce. “It is at this moment when everything seems lost that we must react. We are Rome, we are Italy, museums are born in Italy, if we are not the ones defending this trench it would be a big mistake. Average values no longer exist: either we choose to give in to fear or we choose the difficult path of courage. Ro.Me has chosen courage. Right now around the world many events are being cancelled, and each time it is a small defeat. As a Chamber of Commerce we really appreciated that the event was not canceled.”
“We live in a dramatic moment for our sector,” Fiera di Roma’s sole administrator Pietro Piccinetti reminded the press conference. The exhibition sector “brings people together, promotes opportunities for discussion, encourages the exchange of ideas on important issues such as Ro.Me. Museum Exhibition. We strongly believe in this event that has culture and the network of places, people, technologies and skills that by mission make artistic heritage usable to people. I hope that the museum industry can return as soon as possible to being the economic, cultural and social engine that it is by vocation. And may fairs be as soon as possible again the place where we safely exchange physical handshakes.”
Below are links to: register for the third edition of Ro.Me Museum Exhibition; find out the program; and discover the sectors featured at the fair.
Pictured: the 2019 edition of Ro.Me Museum Exhibition.
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A large all online fair on museums, exhibitions and work in culture. Here is Ro.Me |
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