A documentary on Giambattista Tiepolo is coming to Rai5, which will be narrated by Tomaso Montanari

A documentary on Giambattista Tiepolo, edited by Tomaso Montanari, is coming to Rai5. Friday, March 27, is episode zero.

A four-part series entirely dedicated to Giambattista Tiepolo (Venice, 1696 - Madrid, 1770) is coming to Rai 5. The documentary was supposed to start on Friday, March 27, the anniversary of the artist’s death, with the first episode: however, due to the ongoing health emergency, filming could not be finished, which is why the broadcast of the full series is postponed until a date to be determined, but on Friday, on Rai 5, a “episode zero” will still be held, which will provide the audience with advance information on the contents of the series. Titled The Abysses of Tiepolo, the series is curated by art historian Tomaso Montanari, with direction by Luca Criscenti, photography by Francesco Lo Gullo, editing by Emanuele Redondi and music by Ginevra Nervi.

The documentary will thus tell the story of the painter who perhaps more than any other in our history celebrated the rights of imagination and the triumph of light. It will begin with his early work in Massanzago (Padua) to the last Italian masterpiece of his maturity, the vaulted ceiling of the salon of Villa Pisani in Stra, passing through the enchantment of color of his frescoes in the Patriarchal Palace in Udine and the dancing lightness of the rooms of Palazzo Labia in Venice, which live by the same light as the waters of the Grand Canal.

“Tiepolo’s delirium, his abyss of light,” reads the documentary’s introduction, “stops the course of history, contradicts it, exorcises it, belies it: and even today it welcomes us into an eternal present. Perhaps this is why, as a contemporary witness said, ’Tiepolo can be called the true magician of painting, since his paintings are true magic.’ And it is this magic that we need today, more than ever.”

Pictured: the vault of the hall of Villa Pisani.

A documentary on Giambattista Tiepolo is coming to Rai5, which will be narrated by Tomaso Montanari
A documentary on Giambattista Tiepolo is coming to Rai5, which will be narrated by Tomaso Montanari

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