A cultural festival dedicated to kindness begins in San Marino

Because there is a need for kindness in the world, the Republic of San Marino is dedicating a cultural festival to this theme: the first San Marino Gentile Festival will be held Aug. 6-8.

An unprecedented cultural festival dedicated to kindness: the idea (an excellent one, because there is an ever-increasing need for kindness in the world) will come to fruition from August 6 to 8 in the Republic of San Marino, where the San Marino Gentile Festival will kick off, with lounges, meetings, experiential activities and art and entertainment proposals. Special guests are scheduled for the opening night: in fact, returning from Tokyo will be San Marino Olympic medalists in shooting Alessandra Perilli and Gian Marco Berti, who won the first medals in San Marino’s history at the Olympics.

The kickoff is set for Friday, Aug. 6, at 6 p.m. at Porta San Francesco for a Gentile Parade of historical drummers and flag-wavers who will invite the public and the curious, citizens and tourists to look out and take their seats in the Crossbowmen’s Quarry, home of the kermesse’s thematic salons. Here they will open with institutional greetings from bestselling author Daniel Lumera, the festival’s scientific director and promoter of the Italia Gentile movement; lawyer Maria Selva, president of the UnonellUno Association, organizer of the event; and activist, presenter and actress Rosita Celentano, patroness of this edition. Then a short speech by Gianfranco Antonio Vento, CEO of Cassa di Risparmio della Repubblica di San Marino S.p.A., Main Sponsor of the Festival, will provide an overview of the theme “Banks, Territory and Impact Finance.” This will be followed by the participation of Perilli and Berti who will greet the audience fresh from their experience in Tokyo. Finally, the conclusions of Filiberto Felici, President of the San Marino Special Sports Federation, will donate a reflection on the theme of kindness and inclusion.

The program of San Marino Gentile Festival, spread between the Crossbowmen’s Quarry, the garden of the ancient Monastery of Santa Chiara, the Titano Theater, the Savings Bank Gallery, the Cable Car Cantone, the Piazzetta del Titano and the Garden of the Liburni, presents proposals all free dedicated to declining the value of Kindness in meetings with international guests, art and entertainment events and experiential moments aimed at all ages. The themes embraced by the event touch various areas of culture and social issues, addressing the most urgent and current topics, from politics to economics, from the environment to the animal world, from science to food, from philosophy to communication, from fashion to education, from business to justice, from health to spirituality, from art to entertainment.

This first edition of San Marino Gentile Festival bears the subtitle CHANGE! Building Change, to emphasize how kindness and related values, such as happiness, optimism, forgiveness, gratitude, empathy, inclusion, to name but a few, are real engines of change capable of generating significant social impact, starting with proven scientific evidence. The program schedule invites, therefore, to participate in thematic “salons,” offered from Friday to Sunday. And then, cultural meetings, experiential activities aimed at adults and proposals dedicated to children and young people, held by professionals and specialists in their disciplines, follow each other from early morning until late afternoon on both Saturday and Sunday, so as to give the public the opportunity to touch the benefits of good practices ranging from movement, music, nutrition and contact with nature. Finally, artistic and cultural proposals complete, such as the exhibition Isabella Mandelli. Il mondo gentile dei Barabubbles, which can be visited for the duration of the event and until September 1 at the Cassa di Risparmio Gallery, and the ballet show starring the company Les Italiens de l’Opéra de Paris, in which great dance celebrates kindness with the Italian prima ballerini and soloists of the Paris Opéra that will close the event on Sunday evening at the Titano Theater.

Getting to the heart of the program, Friday, August 6 kicks off at 7 p.m. the first of the “salons” moderated by Rosita Celentano and Daniel Lumera, entitled The Inner Environment: a New Way of Being Human, which features storyteller Mick Odelli, feng shui expert Paola Neglia, philosophers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici, writer Stefano Bettera and San Marino cultural manager Paolo Rondelli in dialogue. This is followed at 9 p.m. by a reflection on Sustainable Fashion with filmmaker Thomas Torelli, entrepreneur Matteo Ward, university lecturer Dafne Chanaz (linked) and activist member of Fridays for Future - Mantua Sofia Pasotto.

Saturday, August 7, wake up at dawn to start the day with a series of experiential activities: meeting then at the Cable Car Cantone at 5:15 for Sun Salutation and Relaxation with Sabrina Rossi, followed at 7 by an Ananda Yoga class. At 8 a.m. in the garden of the ancient Monastery of Santa Chiara (entrance from Via Eugippo), now home to the University, the program continues with Bioenergetic Activations and Meditation led by Valeria Pompili, then at 10 a.m. at the Titano Theater (in Piazza Sant’Agata 5) you can follow the lessons between movement and sound vibrations by Movenze al Femminile and at 11 a.m. Gentile Dance with dancer and Italy Gentile Ambassador Beatrice Carbone. At the Giardino dei Liburni, from 10 a.m. to noon, for children ages 6 to 10 and then from 4 to 5:30 p.m. for children ages 11 to 14, counselor and trainer Valeria Pompili, head of the educational area of the My Life Design Onlus Association, offers an Educational Lab, a space in which to experience self-awareness and awareness of others, focusing on listening, imagination and creativity, through the My Life Design method devised by Daniel Lumera. The afternoon features special events with a 3 p.m. gathering at the Savings Bank Gallery to meet manager and eco-social artist Isabella Mandelli and be taken on special guided tours of the exhibition The Gentle World of Barabubbles.

At 4 p.m. there will be a presentation of the “Gentle Gelato” signed by Eugenio Morrone, reigning world champion of gelateria, who, interviewed by Rosita Celentano, will talk about his special creation under the banner of wellness and high quality. Then, to stay on the food theme, at 5 p.m. at the Caffè del Titano, San Marino doctor Simona Casadei, nutritionist oncologist, will present her latest book Live love eat! to the public. At 6 p.m., the salons in Cava dei balestrieri resume with a dialogue featuring nationally renowned physician and epidemiologist Franco Berrino, founder of the La Grande Via association, to explore What is Gentle Nutrition? This is followed at 7 p.m. by Mondo Animale, a discussion on the relational richness and preservation of the animal kingdom, from the land to the sea, with Andrea Morello, founder of the Free Goat Sanctuary Tutti Massimo Manni (in connection) and Dog’s Soul founder Giuseppe Luscia. Saturday concludes at 9 p.m. with a journey into the theme Of Music and Balance, including words, silences, gestures and sounds with Tricarico, Andrea Loreni, Emiliano Toso, Beatrice Carbone and violinist Francesca Bing.

The Sunday, Aug. 8 programming kicks off at 7 a.m. with an Ashtanga Yoga class held by Ilaria Zetti at the Cable Car Cantone, followed at 8 a.m. by Bioenergetic Activations and Meditation led by Valeria Pompili again in the garden of the ancient Monastery of St. Clare. In the morning, an off Festival event will be held in Verucchio (Rimini): an “exercise of silence and shared solitude” entitled In cammino con Dante by and with actor Silvio Castiglioni, departing at 10 a.m. from the Convent of Santa Croce in Villa Verucchio and arriving around 12 noon at the Rocca Malatestiana in Verucchio for refreshments in the Sala delle Feste (a contribution of €15 is required for this activity to be paid directly to the organizers, for info and reservations required tel. 0541-670280 and roccaverucchio@atlantide.net). At the Liburni Garden, the proposal of the Educational Lab with Valeria Pompili is renewed also on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for children aged 6 to 10 and then from 4 to 5:30 p.m. for children aged 11 to 14.

The afternoon resumes at 2:30 p.m. with a “Sound Bath with Tibetan Bells” held by Mariano Minolfo in the garden of the Monastery of Santa Chiara, followed again in the same setting at 3:30 p.m. by the Gentle Dance class followed at 4:30 p.m. by the experience of Feminine Movements, both led by Beatrice Carbone. Then at 5:30 p.m. it’s back to the Crossbow Quarry for the Lounges with Daniel Lumera opening with The Gentle Words of Politics together with Gian Antonio Stella (in connection), Giovanna Melandri and actor Fabrizio Raggi. This is followed at 6:30 p.m. by the in-depth scientific discussion Lo dice la Scienza with Immaculata De Vivo (linked), Giacomo Rizzolatti and San Marino journalist Sergio Barducci. Concluding the meetings, at 7:30 p.m., a reflection on The New Gentle Leadership with journalist and senator Francesca Scopelliti, SIT Group President Neni Rossini, Isabella Mandelli, Valeria Pompili and lawyer Maria Selva, promoter of the Festival. The grand finale of the San Marino Gentile Festival is expected at the Titano Theater at 9 p.m. with the ballet performance by the company Les Italiens de l’Opéra de Paris, where between variations and pas de deux from the great classical repertoire and contemporary choreography one can experience the emotion of gentleness that becomes music and beauty in movement.

On the occasion of the ballet, the Foyer of the theater will display a selection of watercolors in different formats that artist Isabella Mandelli has chosen to donate for a special charity auction in favor of the My Life Design Onlus Association to support the Italia Gentile movement. Anyone wishing to win one or more of the ten works on display need only send an e-mail with their bid starting at 9 p.m. and ending at 11:30 p.m. to info@sanmarinofestivalgentile.com indicating their first and last name, direct contact information and reference lot number. The successful bidder will, then, be contacted by e-mail to complete the donation.

San Marino Festival Gentile is organized by the UnonellUno Association and promoted in collaboration with the Italia Gentile movement, a project of the My Life Design ONLUS Association, under the patronage of the Secretariats of State for Industry, Handicraft and Trade, Education and Culture, Health and Social Security, and Tourism of the Republic of San Marino and the contribution of Main Sponsors Cassa di Risparmio della Repubblica di San Marino Spa and My Life Design SRL Benefit and Kind sponsor Vivida International. The organizers would also like to thank UBI Unione Buddhista Italiana and Alce Nero S.p.A. for their support and the Festival’s media partners Terra Nuova, Yoga Journal, LifeGate, San Marino RTV and FV Magazine. Admission to the events is free of charge with reservations required while spaces last (with the exception of the off event in Verucchio). You must show your Eventbrite booking receipt at the entrance. Events are held in full compliance with anti-Covid regulations. For information and reservations: www.sanmarinofestivalgentile.com.

A cultural festival dedicated to kindness begins in San Marino
A cultural festival dedicated to kindness begins in San Marino

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