As of today the portal is online : the entire rich calendar of events organized in 2021 in Florence to celebrate the seven hundredth anniversary of Dante Alighieri ’s death is just a click away.
More than thirty Florentine institutions, united in an Organizing Committee coordinated by the City of Florence, Department of Culture, Fashion, Design and International Relations, Directorate of Culture and Sport and P.O. Florence World Heritage and Relations with UNESCO, with the communication and coordination support of MUS.E, will tell the story of Dante and his Florence in a very dense program, both in presence and digitally, through conferences, study days, events and exhibitions open to the public.
All these events can be viewed online at the dedicated portal, while daily updates will be available on the Facebook page @700dantefirenze.
“Dante belongs to everyone,” says Tommaso Sacchi, Councillor for Culture of the City of Florence, “and we are proud that so many organizations, associations, and Florentine realities are collaborating together to organize the events of the 700th anniversary of his death. We will have numerous events from all artistic and cultural disciplines, and thanks to this unique website we will always be able to be updated on what’s on. We are certain that 2021 will truly be a year of rebirth for culture, and we are happy to start again with the very father of our language.”
The anniversary will be told in a 360-degree, choral way, without barriers between the various artistic disciplines. Precisely in order to fully render the multifaceted nature of the character and to trace his literary, political, as well as historical and biographical path, the Organizing Committee is composed of numerous Bodies, Institutions and Associations: City of Florence, Tuscany Region, Metropolitan City of Florence, University of Florence, Uffizi Galleries, Strozzi Foundation, Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence State Archives, Teatro Nazionale della Toscana, Fondazione Teatro del Maggio Fiorentino, National Institute for Renaissance Studies, Società Dantesca Italiana, Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Accademia della Crusca, Opera di Santa Croce, Opera di Santa Maria Novella, Museo Galileo, Società Dante Alighieri - Florence Committee, Musei del Bargello, Unione Fiorentina - Dante’s House Museum, Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria,” Opera del Duomo, British Institute, French Institute, Villa I Tatti, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli Onlus, Museo dell’Accademia, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio and Opera Medicea Laurenziana.
The Chairman of the Committee is Tommaso Sacchi, Councillor for Culture, Fashion and Design of the City of Florence; Coordinator Gabriella Farsi, director of the Culture and Sport Directorate; and Secretary General Carlo Francini, head of P.O. Florence World Heritage and Relations with UNESCO.
The celebrations will begin in January and will continue, with over fifty events, throughout 2021. The very rich calendar can be consulted online starting today, and many more events will be added in the coming months. Rich in anecdotes and material will also be the dedicated Facebook page.
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700Dante portal online: the rich calendar of Florentine events just a click away |
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