Moira Mascotto - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Moira Mascotto

The relationship between Canova and power on display in Possagno

The relationship between Canova and power on display in Possagno

Sought after and admired on an international scale, Antonio Canova (Possagno, 1757-Venice, 1822) had as patrons the most influential personalities of Europe contemporary with him: sovereigns, pontiffs and nobles from the various European courts all t...
An exhibition entirely dedicated to Antonio Canova's Pauline in Possagno.

An exhibition entirely dedicated to Antonio Canova's Pauline in Possagno.

The exhibition Pauline. History of a Masterpiece, at the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno from March 19 to May 30, 2021. This initiative inaugurates the preparatory celebrations for the Canova anniversaries of 2022, the year in which in fa...

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