Mariastella Margozzi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Mariastella Margozzi

Rome, at Castel Sant'Angelo exhibition on justice in Rome along four centuries

Rome, at Castel Sant'Angelo exhibition on justice in Rome along four centuries

Important documents of famous trials, the memoirs of some of the protagonists, objects representing them, original publications of texts, poems, paintings, sculptures, drawings and engravings reproducing the characters and events recounted: this and ...
Fontana, Burri, Guttuso and others: works from the 1950s and 1960s from Bank of Italy offices on display in Palermo

Fontana, Burri, Guttuso and others: works from the 1950s and 1960s from Bank of Italy offices on display in Palermo

The exhibition Altre Stanze anni '50s and '60s, curated by Mariastella Margozzi and Morena Costantini, opened on December 21 at the Fondazione Sant'Elia, which will then host it until February 28, 2019. The works, which tell precisely the story of ar...

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