Giorgina Bertolino - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Giorgina Bertolino

GAM in Turin and Mart in Rovereto dedicate an exhibition to Italo Cremona, painter-writer of nocturnes

GAM in Turin and Mart in Rovereto dedicate an exhibition to Italo Cremona, painter-writer of nocturnes

The GAM in Turin is dedicating an exhibition to Italo Cremona (Pavia, 1905 - Turin, 1979) entitled Tutto il resto è profondo notte (Everything else is deep night); it is curated by Giorgina Bertolino, Daniela Ferrari and Elena Volpato and can ...
A major exhibition on Felice Casorati (more than 60 works) at the Magnani Rocca Foundation

A major exhibition on Felice Casorati (more than 60 works) at the Magnani Rocca Foundation

From March 18 to July 2, 2023, the Magnani Rocca Foundation in Mamiano di Traversetolo is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the entire career of Felice Casorati (Novara, 1883 - Turin, 1963). Entitled simply Felice Casorati, the exhibition, curated b...
 From Botticelli's other Venus to Manet and Monet, for the first time an exhibition on Riccardo Gualino's collection

From Botticelli's other Venus to Manet and Monet, for the first time an exhibition on Riccardo Gualino's collection

The exhibition The Worlds of Riccardo Gualino. Collector and Entrepreneur brings together, in the Sale Chiablese of the Musei Reali in Turin, from June 7 to November 3, 2019, the collection that belonged to entrepreneur Riccardo Gualino (Biella, 1879...

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