Fernando Mazzocca - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Fernando Mazzocca

Canova and Hayez, Olympus on the Lake: the exhibition at Villa Carlotta

Canova and Hayez, Olympus on the Lake: the exhibition at Villa Carlotta

From June 22 to September 30, 2024 at Villa Carlotta in Tremezzina it will be possible to visit L'Olimpo sul lago. Canova, Thorvaldsen, Hayez and the Treasures of the Sommariva Collection, an exhibition curated by Fernando Mazzocca, Maria Angela Prev...
Milan, an exhibition on Giuseppe De Nittis at Palazzo Reale with more than 90 works

Milan, an exhibition on Giuseppe De Nittis at Palazzo Reale with more than 90 works

In Milan, for the first time Palazzo Reale dedicates an exhibition to the talent of Giuseppe De Nittis, displaying about 90 paintings, including oils and pastels, from major public and private, Italian and foreign collections, including the Mus&eacut...
Naples, at Gallerie d'Italia exhibition on the city at the time of Napoleon in Rebell's paintings

Naples, at Gallerie d'Italia exhibition on the city at the time of Napoleon in Rebell's paintings

Intesa Sanpaolo opens to the public from Nov. 23, 2023 to April 7, 2024 at the Gallerie d'Italia in Naples the exhibition Naples in the Time of Napoleon. Rebell and the Light of the Gulf, dedicated to the Viennese painter Joseph Rebell (Vienna, 1787 ...
Bergamo, at Carrara an exhibition between painting and melodrama in the 19th century

Bergamo, at Carrara an exhibition between painting and melodrama in the 19th century

An exhibition to see, hear and listen to is staged at theCarrara Academy in Bergamo from September 29, 2023 to January 14, 2024: it is entitled Tutta in voi la luce mia. History Painting and Melodrama and transforms the Bergamo museum into a theater,...
Turin, an exhibition on Francesco Hayez at GAM with a hundred works

Turin, an exhibition on Francesco Hayez at GAM with a hundred works

The Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Torino (GAM) is dedicating a major exhibition to Francesco Hayez (Venice, 1791 - Milan, 1882), scheduled from October 17, 2023 to April 1, 2024, and entitled Hayez. The Workshop of the Romantic Pa...
Forlì, at the MUsei San Domenico a major exhibition on fashion and art from 1789 to 1968

Forlì, at the MUsei San Domenico a major exhibition on fashion and art from 1789 to 1968

Tintoretto, William Hamilton, George Romney, Francesco Hayez, Silvestro Lega, Telemaco Signorini, James Tissot, Giovanni Boldini, Vittorio Corcos, Henry Matisse, Josef Hoffmann, Giacomo Balla, Piet Mondrian, Umberto Boccioni, Giorgio de Chirico, Dami...
Milan, an exhibition on Antonio Canova at the Carlo Orsi Gallery

Milan, an exhibition on Antonio Canova at the Carlo Orsi Gallery

From December 1 to 22, Galleria Carlo Orsi in Milan opens the exhibition Capolavori di Canova. A tribute on the bicentenary of his death, curated by Fernando Mazzocca. An exhibition-dossier dedicated to Antonio Canova (Possagno, 1757 - Venice, 1822),...
Bankers and patrons: a major exhibition at Milan's Gallerie d'Italia

Bankers and patrons: a major exhibition at Milan's Gallerie d'Italia

From November 18, 2022 to March 26, 2023, the Gallerie d'Italia in Milan 's Piazza Scala will host the exhibition Patrons, Collectors, Philanthropists. From the Medici to the Rothschilds, curated by Fernando Mazzocca and Sebastian Schütze with ...

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