From March 23 to June 21, 2025, the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno is hosting an exhibition-dossier dedicated to one of the masterpieces of neoclassical sculpture: Theseus on the Minotaur, an early work by Antonio Canova (Possagno, 1757 ...
For technical and organizational reasons, the exhibition THE CANOVA NEVER SEEN. Works from the Episcopal Seminary and the Church of the Eremitani at the Diocesan Museum of Padua initially scheduled for fall 2024, has been postponed to March 2025. Cur...
From Nov. 30, 2024 to March 9, 2025, the Diocesan Museum of Padua will host the exhibition Il Canova mai visto (Canova Never Seen), curated by Andrea Nante, Elena Catra and Vittorio Pajusco. The beating heart of the exhibition is the Vaso cinerario d...
Sought after and admired on an international scale, Antonio Canova (Possagno, 1757-Venice, 1822) had as patrons the most influential personalities of Europe contemporary with him: sovereigns, pontiffs and nobles from the various European courts all t...
On the occasion of the centenary of his death, Castelfranco Veneto and San Zenone degli Ezzellini present the first monographic exhibition dedicated to Noè Bordignon (Salvarosa, 1841 - San Zenone degli Ezzelini, 1920), a painter who depicted t...