Alessio Trabacchini - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Alessio Trabacchini

An exhibition on comics from Arab countries in Jesi

An exhibition on comics from Arab countries in Jesi

In Jesi, the international comics event returns for its fourth edition, hosting the exhibition "Oltremari. New Trajectories of Arab Comics." The exhibition scheduled at Palazzo Bisaccioni from Sept. 19 to Nov. 24, curated by Alessio Trabacchini and L...
A traveling exhibition tells the story of comics from the early North American masters to the 1940s

A traveling exhibition tells the story of comics from the early North American masters to the 1940s

Entitled Strip Art. Dreams and Realism in the Early Masters of Comics, the new project, born of the collaboration between Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi, ACCA Academy of Comics Creativity and Visual Arts Jesi and PAFF! Pordenone, which traces ...
Coming soon, an exhibition on hugs told through comic books

Coming soon, an exhibition on hugs told through comic books

At a time when hugs are in short supply due to the pandemic and the resulting physical distancing, Venice Days, in collaboration with Oedipus Island, is telling the story of hugs through comics with the preview of the traveling exhibition Free Hugs. ...

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