Alessandra Acocella - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events that have been curated by Alessandra Acocella

A look at art since World War II in Pistoia

A look at art since World War II in Pistoia

At its headquarters in Palazzo de' Rossi, the Fondazione Pistoia Musei presents through August 22, 2021 the exhibition Glimpses on Art since World War II, curated by Alessandra Acocella, Annamaria Iacuzzi and Caterina Toschi, which is the second chap...
Florence, Museo Novecento dedicates exhibition to artist, poet and philosopher Luciano Caruso

Florence, Museo Novecento dedicates exhibition to artist, poet and philosopher Luciano Caruso

New appointment for the Campo Aperto cycle at the Museo Novecento in Florence, which after Pittura , Painting by Riccardo Guarneri features artist (as well as poet) Luciano Caruso (from June 7 to September 12, 2019) in an exhibition curated by Alessa...

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