New exhibition space Spazio Treccani Arte opens to the public in Rome, dedicated to contemporary art

On October 3, 2023, the new exhibition space of the Italian Encyclopedia Institute opens to the public in Rome: Spazio Treccani Arte, which will host exhibitions, meetings and presentations dedicated to contemporary art.

TheInstitute of the Italian Encyclopedia opens to the public on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, in Rome, on the ground floor of Palazzo Mattei di Paganica, its historic headquarters since 1927, the new Spazio Treccani Arte exhibition space: a 300-square-meter space, accessible to the public free of charge, that will host exhibitions, meetings and presentations dedicated to contemporary art.

Spazio Treccani Arte is the latest project, in order of time, promoted by the Institute. “With Spazio Treccani Arte, for the first time, the encyclopedic mission of the Institute is not expressed through research, organization and systematization of historical-artistic knowledge, but is integrated with a concrete exhibition activity aimed at the valorization and fruition of the contemporary,” said Massimo Bray, Director General of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani.

With its opening, Spazio Treccani Arte inaugurates on October 3 an exhibition curated by Iacopo Ceni, which aims to return visitors to the multifaceted nature of the projects presented so far, displaying the totality of the works created over the five years of Treccani Arte, with more than 30 contemporary artists. It will thus be possible to see the limited editions of the Treccani Arte/MAXXI project, created to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the National Museum of XXI Century Arts through a dedicated production of ten limited-edition works commissioned from ten Italian and international artists whose works have marked the history of the Museum. In addition to those presented in recent months, new works by Carlo Benvenuto (1966), Alex Cecchetti (1973), Isabella Ducrot (1931) and Marzia Migliora (1972) will be presented for the first time.

Also on display will be the signed and numbered posters of the UTOPIA project, in which each artist was invited to choose a word from the Vocabulary of the Italian Language and associate with it an image, created ad hoc, selected from his or her own body of work, reworked or appropriated: Francesco Arena (1978), Elisabetta Benassi (1966), Rä Di Martino (1975), Ettore Favini (1974), Claire Fontaine (an art collective founded by James Thornhill and Fulvia Carnevale in 2004), Piero Golia (1974), Alice Guareschi (1976), Emilio Isgrò (1937), Marcello Maloberti (1966), Alessandro Piangiamore (1976), and Giuseppe Stampone (1974).

Also on display will be the multiples of Alfabeto Treccani, a series created in collaboration with Artissima, which aims to offer a survey of contemporary Italian art starting with the twenty-one letters of the alphabet, each of which is represented by artists whose last name begins with it: Giorgio Andreotta Calò (1970), Giovanni Anselmo (1934), Massimo Bartolini (1962), Rossella Biscotti (1978), Loris Cecchini (1969), Piero Golia (1974), Paolo Icaro (1936), Luisa Lambri (1969), Marisa Merz (1926-2019), Maurizio Nannucci (1939), Ornaghi and Prestinari (Valentina Ornaghi, 1984 and Claudio Prestinari, 1986), Diego Perrone (1970), Marinella Senatore (1977), Gian Maria Tosatti (1980), Francesco Vezzoli (1971).

On view will be, Gianfranco Baruchello’s Possible Psychoencyclopedia (1924-2023); the 58 volumes of the Great Encyclopedia designed by Ettore Spalletti (1940-2019); Emilio Isgrò’s silkscreen work Venti voci per la Treccani e dieci virgole per il mondo ( Twenty Entries for the Treccani and Ten Commas for the World ), created on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the historic exhibition (1970) at the Arturo Schwarz Gallery in which Isgrò presented twenty-five volumes of the Erased Encyclopedia and all the publications (books, catalogs and magazines) published by Treccani Arte during these five years, including the volume Cuore Mio by Marcello Maloberti, in bookstores from September 29, 2023, an account in text and photographs of the site-specific work and performance that the artist wanted to dedicate to Maria Lai in 2019 at MAXXI and then in Ulassai to celebrate the centenary of her birth.

Finally, the library located on the second floor of the building in front of which are works by Mimmo Paladino (1948) and Fabiana Di Donato will be open for the occasion.

The exhibition will be open until Friday, December 22, 2023.

Starting in early 2024, the space will host new temporary exhibitions, as well as a series of meetings and presentations with artists who have already collaborated with Treccani Arte or those who will do so in the future.

New exhibition space Spazio Treccani Arte opens to the public in Rome, dedicated to contemporary art
New exhibition space Spazio Treccani Arte opens to the public in Rome, dedicated to contemporary art

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