KRU group show in Carrara: young artists grappling with the codes of our time

There is time until July 20 to visit the KRU exhibition in the Vôtre space in Carrara: ten young artists offer works that stand as statements of codes and alphabets of our time.

There is time until July 20 to see, in the Vôtre exhibition space (in the eighteenth-century rooms of Palazzo Dal Medico in Carrara) the group show KRU, curated by Chiara Guidi and Gloria Amorena. The title of the exhibition refers to a term specific tohip hop and writing culture: it is a contraction of the word crew (squad, crew, gang). So the curators’ idea was to put together a real crew, a gang of young artists who in their different linguistic research are confronted with new pictorial, sculptural and installation modalities: exactly as it happens in crews, where each artist maintains his or her own specialty but all are part of the same group.

The artists in the exhibition(Adelisa Selimbasić, Cosimo Vella, Federico Cantale, Giacomo Montanelli, Heran Pitto Bellocchio, Jimmy Milani, Ludovico Orombelli, Marco Siciliano, Nicole Colombo, Reverie) present themselves as a “fresh avant-garde implemented by their rhizomatic research between the world acted through matter and the images filtered by digital platforms” (thus the curators). Here, then, in the halls of Vôtre we witness the confrontation with the digital, the plastic resolution in the perceptual aspects of matter, the transposition of maps into domestic objects, the materialization of dream objects, the extra epidermal painting, the self-narrative and surreal drawing in acrylic, the remix painting of the video game in the history of art, the descriptive of performative actions, to organicity in sculpture itself, all to make the exhibition an affirmation of codes and alphabets of our time and our days.

Inside Vôtre, an exhibition space by Mmairo, a marble design company, with a selection of precious marble accessories, will also be present during the exhibition. For information, contact the Vôtre space at 3384417145,,

Pictured: detail of a painting by Adelisa Selimbasić.

KRU group show in Carrara: young artists grappling with the codes of our time
KRU group show in Carrara: young artists grappling with the codes of our time

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