Italian Council, here are all the winners of the 13th edition

The 67 winning projects of the 13th edition of the Italian Council, the competition sponsored by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity (DGCC) of the Ministry of Culture, have been announced. Here are who they are.

The 67 winning projects of the 13th edition of theItalian Council have been announced. This important competition is promoted by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity (DGCC) of the Ministry of Culture, with the aim of supporting the production, knowledge and dissemination of Italian contemporary art internationally. The Italian Council is a platform for the promotion of Italian visual arts, offering support to artists and cultural institutions for innovative and globally relevant projects. This year’s selection includes a wide range of initiatives spanning different artistic disciplines, demonstrating the vibrancy and diversity of the Italian contemporary art scene.

The Evaluation Committee for the three-year period 2022-2024, responsible for selecting the winning projects, is composed of distinguished figures from the world of art and architecture: Fabio De Chirico (Director of Service II of DGCC, who chairs the Commission by delegation of the Director General), Claudio Varagnoli (Architect and full professor at the University of Chieti and Pescara, as well as Chairman of the Technical and Scientific Committee for Contemporary Art and Architecture), Antonia Alampi (Art historian, critic and curator, Director of the Spore Initiative Foundation in Berlin), Alfredo Cramerotti (Critic and curator, former Director of the Mostyn Gallery in Llandudno, Wales, and Director of the Media Majlis at Northwestern University Qatar, in Doha, Qatar), Roberta Tenconi (Curator of the Pirelli Hangar Bicocca Foundation in Milan).

The selected projects reflect a broad spectrum of themes and approaches, highlighting the talent and innovation of Italian artists. Among the awarded initiatives are installations, digital works, performances and research projects, all characterized by a dialogue with the international context.

Director General Contemporary Creativity Angelo Piero Cappello said, “The winning projects of Italian Council represent an important achievement in the promotion of Italian contemporary art on an international scale, helping to strengthen our country’s cultural ties in Europe and around the world. Once again Italian Council is confirmed as one of the leading projects of our Directorate General to promote the production, knowledge and dissemination abroad of contemporary Italian creativity in the field of visual arts. Special thanks to the members of the Commission for their commitment and expertise in evaluating the many projects submitted.”


ForScope 1 (International commissioning and acquisition of works) there were 12 winners, out of 37 applications received:

  1. Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (Colombia), with the project She Flickered in and out of History by Elisa Giardina Papa destined for Madre - Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples;

  2. Sharjah Art Foundation (United Arab Emirates), with the project Adaptability (Like a Flood) by Adelita Husni-Bey destined for the Museum of Civilizations, Rome;

  3. Stiftung Haus der Kunst (Germany), with Invernomuto ’s project Triton intended for the Museion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano;

  4. Motus Cultural Association (Italy) with Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik GmbH (Germany), for the project [ÒDIO] by Motus, intended for MAMbo - Museum of Modern Art, Bologna;

  5. Obalne galerije Piran-Gallerie Costiere in Piran (Slovenia) with the projectBreaking The Circuit of Control by Francesco Bertocco destined for Mart - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto;

  6. Museo Castromediano, Department of Tourism, Cultural Economy and Territorial Enhancement - Apulia Region (Italy) with Samdani Art Foundation (Bangladesh) for the project The Six Seasons of the White Peacock by Driant Zeneli destined for the Museo Civico di Castelbuono, Castelbuono (PA);

  7. Le Cicale dell’Arconte (Italy) with Bratislava City Gallery (Slovakia) with the project Never Ground by Natália Trejbalová intended for the Museion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano, Italy;

  8. Blu Breeding and Learning Unit (Italy) with Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art (Croatia), for the project Kotikeye by Luca Trevisani destined for Madre - Museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples;

  9. Mare Memoria Viva (Italy) with Gudskul Studi Kolektif Foundation (Indonesia) and Nafasi Art Space (Tanzania) with Stefania Galegati’s Isola delle femmine project intended for the Mare Memoria Viva Ecomuseum, Palermo;

  10. BAR project (Spain) with Hangar (Spain) and Eurac Research (Italy) with the project Cloud Catchers by Ingrid Hora destined for MACTE - Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Termoli;

  11. Karussell APS (Italy) with Re-Act Contemporary Art Laboratory for Geração de Amanhã (Portugal) with Silvia Mariotti ’s project Anime di cristallo intended for MACTE - Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Termoli;

  12. The Museum for Contemporary Art, Roskilde (Denmark) with ESAD, École supérieure d’Art de Grenoble, EPCC (France), for the project The Oracular Eavesdropper by Francesco Fonassi destined for Museion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Bolzano.

For Scope 2 (International Promotion of Artists, Curators and Critics), there were 26 winners, out of 73 applications received for the entire scope, with five monographic exhibitions at international institutions:

  1. Portikus / Staedelschule Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste (Frankfurt, Germany) for the exhibition Nathalie du Pasquier / Portikus Artist Book Fair at Kunsthalle Portikus, Frankfurt;

  2. Fonderia 20.9 (Italy) with ISSP (Riga, Latvia) for the exhibition SINESTESIA by Eleonora Agostini at ISSP Gallery, Riga;

  3. Ramdom Aps (Italy) with Power Station of Art (Shanghai, China) for the exhibition Flatform. Concert for films and works at PSA, Shanghai;

  4. Kunstverein Gartenhaus (Vienna, Austria) for Anna Franceschini’s exhibition Nights Out;

  5. Joint Cultural Initiatives (Italy) with De Appel (Amsterdam, Netherlands) and Viaindustriae (Italy) for the exhibition Sensing Interdependence - Arts for the Commons (A4C) at De Appel, Amsterdam.

On the other hand, two participations in major international events and group exhibitions:

  1. Landescape (Italy) for Nicola Baratto’s exhibition, Sea of Fog, at LE 18 (Marrakech, Morocco), part of the official programming of Marrakech Contemporary Art Fair 1-54;

  2. Singapore International Photography Festival (DECK Photography Art Centre Ltd. Singapore) for Pierfrancesco Celada ’s participation in the 9th Singapore International Photography Festival 2024 (Singapore) with the project The Happy Valley.

Four guest curators for major international events:

  1. Onomatopee (Eindhoven, Netherlands) for inviting Silvia Franceschini to curate the exhibition Tekla Aslanishvili. Sketched by the River at Onomatopee, Eindhoven;

  2. Labin Art Express XXI (L.A.E. XXI) (Labin, Croatia) for the ’invitation to Giulia Coletti to curate the 5th Industrial Art Biennial (IAB 05), to be held between Labin, Raša, Rijeka and Pula (Croatia);

  3. Cultural Centre of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia) for the invitation to Lorenzo Balbi to curate the 60th October Salon / What’s Left (Belgrade Biennial);

  4. Kunst-Werke Berlin e. V. // Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art (Berlin, Germany) for the invitation to Zasha Colah to curate the 13th Berlin Biennale 2025.

Fifteen finally international publications:

  1. Stadt Wien Kunst GmbH / Kunsthalle Wien (Austria) for the project Diego Marcon. The Throat, curated by Michelle Cotton;

  2. Costantino Nivola Foundation (Italy) for the project Armin Linke, Corrado Calvo. Paparazzi, curated by Antonella Camarda and Luca Cheri;

  3. OHT Office for a Human Theatre (Italy) for the project Little Fun Palace Nomadic, curated by Filippo Andreatta and Sarah Messerschmidt;

  4. Comune di Locarno - Museo Casa Rusca (Switzerland) for the monographic project dedicated to Monia Ben Hamouda, curated by Gioia Dal Molin;

  5. Marea Art Project APS (Italy) for the project Le Nemesiache: Conjuring Art and Feminism to Reclaim Mythological Rituals, curated by Sonia D’Alto;

  6. Université de Liège (Belgium) with Archivio Nanda Vigo aps (Italy), for the project The Metaphysics of Everyday Life. Nanda Vigo’s Interiors/ The Metaphysics of Everyday Life. Nanda Vigo’s Interiors, curated by Silvia Groaz;

  7. Azienda Speciale Palaexpo (Italy) // MACRO for the project...And Prini, curated by Luca Lo Pinto;

  8. IUNO APS (Italy) for the project Alessandra Spranzi, curated by Ilaria Gianni and Lisa Andreani;

  9. Castello di Rivoli - Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (Italy), for the project Rossella Biscotti. Title One, I Dreamed, Clara and Other Stories, curated by Marianna Vecellio;

  10. Laboratoire des Arts pour les Sciences EPFL ENAC IA LAPIS (Switzerland) with École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Saint-Étienne - ENSASE (France), Florence 1968-1978: When Education Turned Radical. Avant-garde Pedagogies Between Architecture, Arts and Life, edited by Nicola Braghieri, Boris Hamzeian and Filippo Fanciotti;

  11. Musagetes Foundation (Canada), for the project 10 More Questions on Art and Learning with Community of Struggle, Free Home University, Southern Italy, 2014-2024 (working title), edited by Alessandra Pomarico and Nikolay Oleynikov;

  12. Fondazione Museion - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (Italy) with ar/ge kunst (Italy), for the project Lucia Marcucci. That’s it?, curated by Frida Carazzato and Francesca Verga;

  13. Landscape Choreography (Italy), Archiving the Ungovernable, curated by the MACAO collective;

  14. Associazione Marche Arte Viva (Italy), Hill of Desires, curated by Matteo Binci, Bianca Schröder, Pietro Consolandi, Giacomo Pigliapoco;

  15. Shoqata MEWE (Albania), for Fabrizio Bellomo’s Concrete Albania project, curated by Elton Koritari.

ForScope 3 (Talent Development), there are 29 funding winners from 130 applications received:

  1. Gerolamore (artist) for the research project How to build intertwining food narratives;

  2. Ginevra Ludovici (researcher) for the research project Self-initiated institutions: artists-run educational platforms;

  3. Silvia Bottiroli (curator) for the research project Repeat, interrupt, suspend: rhythm as a curatorial principle (working title);

  4. Ana Victoria Bruno (curator) for the research project Norrbotten: a decolonial research in northern Sweden;

  5. Valentina Vetturi (artist) for the research project Mimosa Pudica;

  6. Vasco Forconi (curator) for the research project Agencia de labor espiritual itinerante;

  7. Giulia Currà (artist) for the research project If you move something happens;

  8. Angelo Leonardo (artist) for the research project O’Tama tales;

  9. Viviana Peretti (artist) for the research project Searching for Lost Lives;

  10. Rachele Maistrello (artist) for the research project The Diamond Project. Chapter III;

  11. Donatella Della Ratta (researcher) for the research project Artificial Intelligence and New Forms of Violence: Ethics, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Age of Synthetic Realism;

  12. Caterina Molteni (curator) for the research project From Poetry to Performance and Vice Versa: When Body and Language Become Political. A comparative study of Valeria Magli, Yvonne Rainer, Cecilia Vicuña;

  13. Carolina Cappelli (artist) for the B-MOVIES research project;

  14. Anna Castelli (researcher) for the research project In Betweens of Things: A Journey into Artistic Practices of Indigenous Artists from New Zealand;

  15. Manuela Nebuloni (artist) for the research project Hotel Archive;

  16. Simone Rossi (researcher) for the research project Scrapscapes of Resistance;

  17. Giulia Cauti (artist) for the research project TRAUM (dream) + RAUM (space) = TRAUMA;

  18. Fabio Perletta (artist) for the research project The superorganism: a model for a new performative language;

  19. Cecilia Canziani (curator) for the research project A Splendid Isolation: American Women Artists and the Reimagining of Home, Studio and Kinship;

  20. Giuditta Vendrame (artist) for the research project RIVER CHANTS;

  21. Andreco (artist) for the research project Future Environments;

  22. Anna Cuomo (researcher) for the research project Identity Mosaics for Community Ecosystems;

  23. Niccolò Masini (artist) for the research project Expanded Echoes;

  24. Chiara Calgaro (artist) for the research project Changing Room;

  25. Alice Martina Visentin (artist) for the research project Gossip Divination: Invented Stories, Forking Stories and a Thousand Other Stories;

  26. Rica Cerbarano (curator) for the research project Photography and Public Space - How we read images in the shared environment;

  27. Alice Labor (curator) for the research project Ritual Ecologies / Ritual ecologies;

  28. Massimo Ricciardo (artist) for the research project Culinaria: practices in the open air;

  29. Louis De Belle (artist) for the research project Miroirs.

Italian Council, here are all the winners of the 13th edition
Italian Council, here are all the winners of the 13th edition

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