Edoardo Tresoldi will soon create a work in old Bari

Soon Edoardo Tresoldi will create a new artwork in the archaeological area of San Pietro in old Bari. It will be the artist's second installation in Puglia.

Edoardo Tresoldi will create a work of art in thearchaeological area of San Pietro in old Bari: the Milanese artist won the call for bids promoted by the Regional Secretariat for Puglia of the Ministry of Culture, headed by architect Maria Piccarreta, with the support of European funds.

St. Peter’s is the main archaeological site of the Apulian capital along with the adjacent complex of the Monastery of St. Scholastica, now home to the Archaeological Museum. The area, directly facing the sea, covers 4,400 square meters at the extreme tip of the tongue of land on which the ancient town of Bari is developed. Archaeological investigations conducted at the site for years have documented how nearly four thousand years of history are stratified in the area, starting from the earliest Bronze Age settlement to the 1960s.

The MiC’s Regional Secretariat for Puglia has made available to the artist some rooms on its property in which the working group, involving Tresoldi’s team and a team of Ministry officials, is planning the intervention based on a wealth of scientific documentation resulting from years of studies conducted on the San Pietro area.

The Bari work will be Tresoldi’s second installation in Puglia after his intervention in the archaeological excavation of the Early Christian Basilica of Siponto (2016), which earned the Ministry of Culture the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture.

Image: Edoardo Tresoldi, Basilica of Siponto. Ph.Credit Roberto Conte

Edoardo Tresoldi will soon create a work in old Bari
Edoardo Tresoldi will soon create a work in old Bari

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