Art and business: the R.T.A. company opens up to contemporary newpop. Activities for 2025

A 2025 under the banner of contemporary art for R.T.A. srl, a leading maccatronics company in Italy and Europe, based in Marcignago (Pavia): in fact, the company intends to launch a pathway that will begin this year with cultural activities.

A 2025 under the banner of contemporary art for R.T.A. srl, a leading maccatronics company in Italy and Europe, based in Marcignago (Pavia) and with operating offices in Germany and India: in fact, the company intends to launch a path of approach that will begin this year with cultural activities aimed at employees, young people and the territory, an unprecedented Lecture declined on the themes of visual arts and the publication of a volume to be shared with the community inside and outside the company. These are the goals set by R.T.A., which intends to focus on art and culture to foster creativity, contribute to corporate welfare and support the artists of the present, with a view to opening up to the younger generations and the community.

Founded in 1976, R.T.A. (an acronym for Realizzazione Tecnologiche Avanzate) over the past decades has earned a leading role in the field of industrial automation. In nearly fifty years of operation, it has sold more than one million stepper electric motor drives, expanding its product range to other electric motion technologies through the establishment of strategic partnerships with major companies internationally. In 2021, expansion into robotics occurred with R.T.A. Robotics. Special attention is also paid to corporate culture and environmental responsibility: in 2022, the company adopted a 7-hectare forest near its headquarters to ensure its preservation and contribute to a carbon-neutral future. And now the corporate art collection, strongly desired by the company’s partners and CEO Tommaso Rossini, also enters the company’s business plan: the collection consists of some 30 works by contemporary authors, referring mainly to the areas of Pop Art and Arte Povera.

The company’s collection is under the banner of neo-Pop with works by Fosco Grisendi, Kima Guitart, Riccardo Gusmaroli, Giorgio Laveri, Marco Lodola, Umberto Mariani, PlumCake (a group composed of Gianni Cella, Romolo Pallotta, Claudio Ragni) and Giuliano Tomaino.

R.T.A. headquarters in Marcignago
The headquarters of R.T.A. in Marcignago
Fosco Grisendi, Confidence #43 (2023; acrylic on jute canvas, 160 x 240 cm). Photo: Fabio Fantini
Fosco Grisendi, Confidence #43 (2023; acrylic on jute canvas, 160 x 240 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.). Photo: Fabio Fantini
Fosco Grisendi, Confidence #11 (2018; acrylic on jute canvas, 50 x 50 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.). Photo: Nicolò Maltoni
Fosco Grisendi, Confidence #11 (2018; acrylic on jute canvas, 50 x 50 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.). Photo: Nicolò Maltoni
Marco Lodola, Cow Boys (2000; perspex + enamel, 104 x 73 cm)
Marco Lodola, Cow Boys (2000; perspex + enamel, 104 x 73 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.)
Marco Lodola, Lo Strillone (2002; perspex and enamels, 145 x 80 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.)
Marco Lodola, Lo Strillone (2002; perspex and enamels, 145 x 80 cm; Macignagno, R.T.A.)

“Being an art lover and a collector,” declares Tommaso Rossini, “also because of family history (my paternal grandmother frequented the Milanese gallery environment in the 1970s, knowing artists of the caliber of Lucio Fontana) I thought, within a phase of renovation of some company premises started in 2010, to invest also in art, starting from my great passions, namely Arte Povera and Pop Art. The choice fell on artists from the local area, such as Marco Lodola, but also from other Italian regions, selected on the basis of quality and continuity of research. Their works are set up in the garden, lobby, coffee area, meeting rooms and corridors, so that all employees and collaborators can enjoy them on a daily basis. In the company, where we go as an alternative to smart working, one must feel good, the spaces must be welcoming and stimulating. In entrepreneurship you need creativity and vision, and art is a good adviser.”

Among the main cultural activities promoted by the company is the Bruno Rossini Lecture, a well-established annual event, which since 2013 has commemorated founder Bruno Rossini through moments of encounter, animated by leading figures from the worlds of business, politics, academia and journalism, attentive to business issues. Now, therefore, the company intends to open up to contemporary art: at the moment, paintings and sculptures are set up in all company spaces - garden, lobby, coffee area, meeting rooms, corridors - so that employees and collaborators can see the works on a daily basis. “Organizing and promoting art and culture initiatives,” concliudes Rossini, “contributes to personal and professional growth, business development and strengthening community relations. Our goal is to continue to grow, investing in new projects, culminating in 2026 with the 50th anniversary celebrations.”

Art and business: the R.T.A. company opens up to contemporary newpop. Activities for 2025
Art and business: the R.T.A. company opens up to contemporary newpop. Activities for 2025

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