A new institution dedicated to supporting the arts is born: the LAM Foundation for the Contemporary Arts

The LAM Foundation for Contemporary Arts, a new nonprofit institution dedicated to promoting and supporting contemporary arts and culture, with a focus on the younger generation, is born.

The LAM Foundation for Contemporary Arts, a new nonprofit institution dedicated to the promotion and support of contemporary arts and culture through an interdisciplinary program that focuses on inclusion and sharing, is born. Initiated by Loretta Amadori, after whom the foundation is named, it is the result of the awareness that art and culture represent a powerful engine for human and social development. A long friendship with Alberto Masacci, a leading figure in philanthropy and fundraising in Italy, known for his commitment to the realization of numerous projects in social, cultural and contemporary arts, also contributed to its creation.

The Foundation is rooted in the territory of Cesena (FC), the founder’s hometown, but operates throughout the country with the aim of promoting the dissemination of and access to knowledge about contemporary arts and supporting new artistic production in particular, with a special focus on the younger generations.

Its activities focus on public art projects, artist residencies and a public program dedicated to dissemination and education, which includes lectures, meetings, debates on contemporary arts and the main issues of our time, as well as experiential workshops aimed at different artistic languages.

The Chair of the LAM Foundation is Loretta Amadori, who said, “The Foundation has not and does not want to be an exhibition venue but a house of study and residence, where we invite and host artists, thinkers and curators. We envisioned a house open to the encounter and dialogue between different disciplines, with the goal of bringing all forms of art into public spaces. Visual and performing arts, cinema, theater, music, art publishing, speak about us, the world and our lives. It is up to us to seize this fruitful dialogue and make it an engine for personal and also collective evolution. We would like to facilitate this ’encounter’ with as wide an audience as possible.”

Loretta Amadori and Alberto Masacci. Photo by Fausto Fabbri
Loretta Amadori and Alberto Masacci. Photo by Fausto Fabbri

“I believe that today the real urgency for the country is culture,” said Alberto Masacci, Director General of the LAM Foundation. “In this complex historical moment, in the face of severe cuts in public spending, we have an enormous need for new social actors who are aware of the role and importance of investing in the arts and culture. The LAM Foundation, through the production and sharing of knowledge, wishes to generate impact and social change. Our goal is to invest in the future, to make our contribution to offer new ”opportunities for meaning“ for people and to build together a better world for the younger generations.” The LAM Foundation relies on a network of relationships with the art, university and nonprofit worlds and wants to contribute to the development of partnerships for the production of projects in contemporary arts and cultural fields.

For 2025, the LAM Foundation has important initiatives on its agenda, including a partnership with Cinemovel Foundation to produce and promote, in collaboration with RAI cinema, a documentary film, Buckle Up directed by Tommaso Merighi that follows the screening of the film Io Capitano, together with actors and director Matteo Garrone, in the places where this story came to life, in the cities, towns and schools of Senegal. In just a few minutes, director Tommaso Merighi succeeds in getting viewers into the thick of “traveling cinema,” a journey and a behind-the-scenes look at Garrone’s film, which won the Silver Lion for Director at the Venice Film Festival and the Best Actor award for Seydou Sarr; nominated for the Golden Globes and Oscars for Best Foreign Title. Starting March 19, the documentary will be available on RaiPlay, the release anticipating the prime-time broadcast on Rai Uno of Matteo Garrone’s film, scheduled for March 26. This will be followed by national and international premieres in cinemas and projects for schools.

For the month of October, a series of free meetings are scheduled to bring the public closer to the knowledge of contemporary arts, hosted at the Biblioteca Malatestiana in Cesena, the first Civic Library founded in Italy in the mid-15th century as a place for the transmission of knowledge. Also this fall, the first public art project for the city of Cesena will kick off.

For info: https://fondazionelam.art/

Home-studio interior. Photo by Gianmaria Zanotti
Interior house-studio. Photo by Gianmaria Zanotti

A new institution dedicated to supporting the arts is born: the LAM Foundation for the Contemporary Arts
A new institution dedicated to supporting the arts is born: the LAM Foundation for the Contemporary Arts

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