Exhibitions and events at Verona

All exhibitions and events taking place in Verona

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In Verona, an exhibition on Fortunato Depero explores themes related to the table, food and places of consumption

In Verona, an exhibition on Fortunato Depero explores themes related to the table, food and places of consumption

From September 25, 2024 to March 1, 2025, EARTH Foundation presents in the spaces of the Specialized Refrigeration Station in Verona the exhibition Fortunato Depero. Thirst for Futurism, Hunger for America, produced in collaboration with the Mart, Mu...
Verona, at the Castelvecchio Museum two works in comparison: the Maestro della Fiasca di Forl? and Lilla Tabasso

Verona, at the Castelvecchio Museum two works in comparison: the Maestro della Fiasca di Forl? and Lilla Tabasso

From March 27 to June 30, 2024, at the Museo di Castelvecchio in Verona, the enigmatic work Fiasca spagliata con fiori by an anonymous master made between 1625 and 1630 and from the municipal art collections of Forli, Italy, will be confronted with L...
Verona, at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia the famous photographs of Robert Doisneau

Verona, at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia the famous photographs of Robert Doisneau

More than 100 shots by Robert Doisneau (Gentilly, 1912 - Paris, 1994) will be hosted at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona from November 15, 2023 to February 14, 2024. The exhibition, curated by Gabriel Bauret and promoted by the Fondazione Cas...
Giulio Paolini returns to Verona with an unprecedented project

Giulio Paolini returns to Verona with an unprecedented project

From Oct. 15, 2023 to March 3, 2024, the Achille Forti Gallery of Modern Art in Verona will host Giulio Paolini's previously unseen project, Et in Arcadia Ego, curated by Patrizia Nuzzo and Stefano Raimondi. The exhibition is the result of the first ...
Verona, 100 years of opera season in the Arena. Original posters from the Salce Collection on display.

Verona, 100 years of opera season in the Arena. Original posters from the Salce Collection on display.

To celebrate the 100th Opera Season at the Arena di Verona, the National Archaeological Museum in Verona is hosting from June 10 to September 10, 2023 the exhibition Arena di carta. 100 Years of the Opera Season in the Arena of Verona in Posters from...
 Verona, Dante becomes a robot and acts as an exhibition guide

Verona, Dante becomes a robot and acts as an exhibition guide

Leading up to the mountain of Purgatory, My Purgatory. Dante prophet of hope, the multimedia exhibition curated by essayist and pedagogue Franco Nembrini with illustrations by Gabriele Dell'Otto. On view until May 31 in the exclusive spaces of Caste...
An exhibition-event in Verona celebrates the art of Gianluigi Colin

An exhibition-event in Verona celebrates the art of Gianluigi Colin

From May 27 to 29, 2022, the City of Verona and the Porta Palio Mutual Aid Society will open to the public a special exhibition-event, titled Where Life Found No Words, Only Silence Remains, curated by Luigi De Ambrogi, which aims to celebrate the ar...
Verona, the great exhibition on Giovan Francesco Caroto, between Mantegna and Veronese

Verona, the great exhibition on Giovan Francesco Caroto, between Mantegna and Veronese

Opening in Verona, at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, right in front of the Arena, is the major exhibition Caroto and the Arts between Mantegna and Veronese, dedicated to one of the major protagonists of the Veronese Renaissance, Giovan Francesco Car...

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