Exhibitions and events at San Giovanni Valdarno

All exhibitions and events taking place in San Giovanni Valdarno

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Laetitia Ky, the artist who creates sculptures with hair, is on display in Tuscany

Laetitia Ky, the artist who creates sculptures with hair, is on display in Tuscany

Casa Masaccio | Center for Contemporary Art, in collaboration with LIS10 Gallery Arezzo - Paris, presents a solo exhibition by Laetitia Ky entitled The Ambiguous Adventure, curated by Alessandro Romanini, dedicated to female empowerment in the art sy...
Uffizi Diffusi dedicates an exhibition to Giovanni da San Giovanni in his Valdarno

Uffizi Diffusi dedicates an exhibition to Giovanni da San Giovanni in his Valdarno

One of the most interesting artists of the Tuscan seventeenth century, Giovanni Manozzi known as Giovanni da San Giovanni (San Giovanni Valdarno, 1592 - Florence, 1636) returns home to his Valdarno where he is the protagonist of an exhibition of the ...
In San Giovanni Valdarno, Masaccio and Beato Angelico compared in an exhibition of the Uffizi Diffusi

In San Giovanni Valdarno, Masaccio and Beato Angelico compared in an exhibition of the Uffizi Diffusi

After the important exhibition in Reggello for the six hundredth anniversary of the Triptych of St. Juvenal, another review delves into the figure of Masaccio (San Giovanni Valdarno, 1401 - Rome, 1428), in the town that gave him birth, Castel San Gio...

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