Exhibitions and events at Rovigo

All exhibitions and events taking place in Rovigo

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Rovigo, at Rovella Palace an exhibition on Henri Cartier-Bresson's shots in Italy

Rovigo, at Rovella Palace an exhibition on Henri Cartier-Bresson's shots in Italy

From Sept. 28, 2024 to Jan. 26, 2025, Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo hosts a monographic exhibition on Henri Cartier-Bresson (Chanteloup-en-Brie, 1908 - Montjustin, 2004), focusing on the long relationship between the French master and Italy. The exhibi...
Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo dedicates a monographic exhibition to the link between Cartier-Bresson and Italy

Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo dedicates a monographic exhibition to the link between Cartier-Bresson and Italy

From Sept. 28, 2024 to Jan. 26, 2025, Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo will host the monographic exhibition Henri Cartier-Bresson and Italy, curated by Clément Chéroux and Walter Guadagnini, promoted by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di P...
Rovigo showcases the tale of Giacomo Matteotti's sacrifice 100 years after his assassination

Rovigo showcases the tale of Giacomo Matteotti's sacrifice 100 years after his assassination

An exhibition dedicated to Giacomo Matteotti (Fratta Polesine, 1885 - Rome, 1924), entitled Giacomo Matteotti (1885 -1924), is being held in Rovigo, specifically in Palazzo Roncale from April 5 to July 7, 2024. History of a Free Man, and curated by S...
A major exhibition dedicated to Toulouse-Lautrec in 2024 at Palazzo Roverella

A major exhibition dedicated to Toulouse-Lautrec in 2024 at Palazzo Roverella

In 2024 a major exhibition dedicated to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (Albi, 1864 - Saint-André-du-Bois, 1901) , among the most representative artists of late 19th-century Paris, will arrive at Rovigo 's Palazzo Roverella. The exhibition, curated ...
The collection drawn (to dispose of it): the De Silvestri Collection on display in Rovigo

The collection drawn (to dispose of it): the De Silvestri Collection on display in Rovigo

A collection with a singular history goes on display in Rovigo , since it was at the center of a race to... dispose of it. From December 2, 2023 to March 10, 2024, at Palazzo Roncale, exhibition venue of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e ...
A large monographic exhibition dedicated to Tina Modotti to be held at Palazzo Roverella in the fall.

A large monographic exhibition dedicated to Tina Modotti to be held at Palazzo Roverella in the fall.

After Robert Capa and Robert Doisneau, the photography of Tina Modotti (Udine, 1896 - Mexico City, 1942) arrives at Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo this fall. The exhibition venue will host from Sept. 22, 2023, to Jan. 28, 2024, an extensive monographic ...
How did Renoir's painting change after his trip to Italy? An exhibition in Rovigo on the non-impressionist Renoir

How did Renoir's painting change after his trip to Italy? An exhibition in Rovigo on the non-impressionist Renoir

From Feb. 25 to June 25, 2023, Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo is hosting the exhibition Pierre-Auguste Renoir: the Dawn of a New Classicism, curated by Paolo Bolpagni. Of Renoir, among the greatest exponents ofImpressionism, the moment after the brief ...
Rovigo, at Palazzo Roverella a major exhibition on Robert Capa with 366 photographs

Rovigo, at Palazzo Roverella a major exhibition on Robert Capa with 366 photographs

From October 8, 2022 to January 29, 2023, Palazzo Roverella in Rovigo hosts the exhibition Robert Capa. The Work 1932-1954, curated by Gabriel Bauret: this is the new appointment with international photography proposed by the Fondazione Cassa di Risp...

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