Exhibitions and events at Prato

All exhibitions and events taking place in Prato

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Louis Fratino at Pecci in Prato: first institutional exhibition for American artist

Louis Fratino at Pecci in Prato: first institutional exhibition for American artist

The Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato presents Satura, a solo exhibition by U.S. artist Louis Fratino (born 1993 in Annapolis, lives and works in New York City). Curated by Stefano Collicelli Cagol, the exhibition will be open to the p...
At Pecci in Prato, the largest Diego Marcon exhibition in an Italian museum

At Pecci in Prato, the largest Diego Marcon exhibition in an Italian museum

One of the most acclaimed contemporary Italian artists, Diego Marcon (Busto Arsizio, 1985), is the protagonist of an exhibition at the Pecci Center in Prato. Glassa, this is the title of the show, is the largest exhibition project to date by Diego Ma...
Prato Textile Museum dedicates an exhibition to kimonos

Prato Textile Museum dedicates an exhibition to kimonos

From April 29 to November 19, 2023, the Prato Textile Museum will host the exhibition Kimono - Reflections of Art between Japan and the West, organized by the Prato Textile Museum, with the collaboration of the Gorizia Museum of Fashion and Applied A...
An exhibition in Prato to rediscover Quinto Ghermandi, 20th century sculptor

An exhibition in Prato to rediscover Quinto Ghermandi, 20th century sculptor

From Dec. 3, 2022 to Feb. 25, 2023, the Open Art Gallery in Prato presents the exhibition La Forma delle Cose by Quinto Ghermandi (Crevalcore, 1916 - San Lazzaro di Savena, 1994), an anomalous artist who traversed the theater of plastic forms with de...
Prato, at the Textile Museum the fashion of Swinging London by Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell

Prato, at the Textile Museum the fashion of Swinging London by Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell

Stylized geometries, floral bouquets and art-inspired patterns (from medieval tapestries to Ballet Russes to all the Cubist avant-garde, pointillisme), the language of Ossie Clark and his wife Celia Birtwell defined Swinging London with their long, c...
Prato, at the Pecci Center the exhibition Hagoromo by Massimo Bartolini

Prato, at the Pecci Center the exhibition Hagoromo by Massimo Bartolini

From Sept. 16 to Jan. 8, 2023, the Pecci Center in Prato is hosting the exhibition Hagoromo, a monographic show dedicated to Massimo Bartolini (Cecina, 1962), part of a cycle the center organizes annually to present the work of Italian artists to the...
The Pecci Center dedicates a major monographic exhibition to Massimo Bartolini

The Pecci Center dedicates a major monographic exhibition to Massimo Bartolini

From Sept. 16, 2022 to Jan. 8, 2023, the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato is dedicating a major exhibition to Massimo Bartolini (Cecina, 1962), entitled Hagoromo, curated by Luca Cerizza in collaboration with Elena Magini. This is a n...
Prato, Antonello Ghezzi duo makes fairy tales concrete with The Pirate Island project

Prato, Antonello Ghezzi duo makes fairy tales concrete with The Pirate Island project

From June 24 to Sept. 4, in Prato, the outdoor spaces of Villa Rospigliosi, a historic 18th-century mansion, become a place of imagination with the exhibition intervention L'isola dei pirati by the duo Antonello Ghezzi, formed by Nadia Antonello (Cit...

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