Exhibitions and events at Palermo

All exhibitions and events taking place in Palermo

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Strangers Everywhere, Claire Fontaine's project, enters the permanent collection of the Castelbuono Museum

Strangers Everywhere, Claire Fontaine's project, enters the permanent collection of the Castelbuono Museum

Will be presented to the public on May 19, at the Civic Museum of Castelbuono (Palermo), Foreigners Everywhere by the Claire Fontaine Collective, the winning project of the public notice PAC2022-2023 - Plan for Contemporary Art, promoted by the Minis...
Flavio Favelli's Sicily through the exhibition at the Real Albergo di Palermo

Flavio Favelli's Sicily through the exhibition at the Real Albergo di Palermo

From June 27 to September 8, 2024, the exhibition venue of the Real Albergo delle Povere at the Regional Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Palermo will present artist Flavio Favelli's exhibition, La Sicilia e altre figure, curated by Elisa Ful...
Palermo celebrates its patron saint: the iconography of Saint Rosalie in the masterpieces of great artists

Palermo celebrates its patron saint: the iconography of Saint Rosalie in the masterpieces of great artists

On the occasion of the jubilee anniversary of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the remains of St. Rosalie, the Sicily Foundation presents the exhibition The Ecstasies of St. Rosalie at the Villa Zito Art Gallery in Palermo. Antoon van Dyck, ...
A major exhibition on the Palatine Chapel Treasury at the Royal Palace in Palermo

A major exhibition on the Palatine Chapel Treasury at the Royal Palace in Palermo

Until September 30, 2024, the Royal Palace of Palermo is hosting Thesaurus, a major exhibition on the famous Treasure of the Palatine Chapel. The exhibition is the result of the synergy between the Frederick II Foundation and the Fondo Edifici di Cul...
Caravaggio dismembered: the work of Spanish painter Javier Carpintero on display in Palermo

Caravaggio dismembered: the work of Spanish painter Javier Carpintero on display in Palermo

A "homage-horror" to Caravaggio: this is how Spanish painter Javier Carpintero (Zamora, 1967) refers to his Caravaggio desmembrado, a work that is on display from Oct. 17 to Dec. 17, 2023 at theOratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo, thehouse of worship w...
William Kentridge presents his new installation in Palermo

William Kentridge presents his new installation in Palermo

Palermo will be the city where the great South African artist William Kentridge (Johannesburg, 1955) will present his new sound installation with projection: titled You Whom I Could Not Save , it gives the title to the South African artist's solo exh...
In Palermo exhibition of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, one of the fathers of contemporary African art

In Palermo exhibition of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, one of the fathers of contemporary African art

Held from April 28 to May 28, at the Riso. Regional Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Palermo, the exhibition Frédéric Bruly Bouabré | Cosmogonie, the first review in Sicily dedicated to one of the founding fathers of cont...
An artist in symbiosis with plants: Tiziana Cera Rosco at the Botanical Garden of Palermo

An artist in symbiosis with plants: Tiziana Cera Rosco at the Botanical Garden of Palermo

Opening April 18 is the anthological exhibition of poet and artist Tiziana Cera Rosco (Milan, 1973) entitled Anthurium - Speak My Flower, curated by Maria Chiara Di Trapani, born from an artistic residency experience lived by the artist in theBotanic...

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