Exhibitions and events at Lecco

All exhibitions and events taking place in Lecco

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Lecco, an exhibition explores 1960s Milan, from Fontana to Manzoni and beyond

Lecco, an exhibition explores 1960s Milan, from Fontana to Manzoni and beyond

From July 13 to Nov. 24, 2024, Lecco 's Palazzo delle Paure hosts an exhibition exploring an extraordinary period in which Milan consolidated its role as a protagonist on the international cultural scene: the 1960s. Curated by Simona Bartolena, entit...
From Vedova to Morlotti, Italian painting of the 1950s on display in Lecco

From Vedova to Morlotti, Italian painting of the 1950s on display in Lecco

At Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco, the exhibition cycle of Percorsi nel Novecento, a program conceived by the Direction of the Lecco Urban Museum System and entrusted for its planning and realization to ViDi Cultural that, until November 2024, analyzes...
Lecco, 20th century exhibitions continue: here is the chapter on the Return to Order

Lecco, 20th century exhibitions continue: here is the chapter on the Return to Order

Lecco 's Palazzo delle Paure hosts a new stage in the cycle of exhibitions Percorsi nel Novecento, a program conceived by the Direction of the Lecco Urban Museum System and entrusted for its design and implementation to ViDi Cultural. This series of ...
Works by the major exponents of Futurism on display at the Palazzo delle Paure, from Balla to Depero

Works by the major exponents of Futurism on display at the Palazzo delle Paure, from Balla to Depero

From March 18 to June 18, 2023, Lecco 's Palazzo delle Paure hosts the exhibition Futuristi. A Generation in the Avant-Garde, curated by Simona Bartolena, produced and produced by ViDi - Visit Different, in collaboration with the City of Lecco and th...
In Lecco, the life of St. Nicholas as told by Beato Angelico: works from the Pinacoteca Vaticana and the Braidense

In Lecco, the life of St. Nicholas as told by Beato Angelico: works from the Pinacoteca Vaticana and the Braidense

Opere Sante. The Life of Saint Nicholas Recounted by Beato Angelico is the title of the fourth edition of Capolavoro per Lecco: this year the Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco will host three masterpieces from December 3, 2022 to March 4, 2023: the two co...
From Segantini to Pellizza, an exhibition in Lecco on Italian art between the 1800s and 1900s

From Segantini to Pellizza, an exhibition in Lecco on Italian art between the 1800s and 1900s

From July 1 to November 20, 2022, the Palazzo delle Paure and Villa Manzoni in Lecco will host the exhibition Poetics. Quotidiano e immaginario nell'arte italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento. The initiative is the first appointment of the project Perco...
Lecco, at the Torre Viscontea the film celebrities photographed by Elio Luxardo

Lecco, at the Torre Viscontea the film celebrities photographed by Elio Luxardo

On until July 31 at the Torre Viscontea in Lecco is the exhibition Elio Luxardo and cinema, promoted by the Municipality of Lecco, SiMUL - Sistema Museale Urbano Lecchese and Fondazione 3M. The exhibition celebrates the artist known for being the pho...
Lecco dedicates exhibition to postmacchiaiola painting, from Fattori to Ghiglia

Lecco dedicates exhibition to postmacchiaiola painting, from Fattori to Ghiglia

The Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco hosts from March 18 to June 19, 2022 the exhibition La luce del vero. The Legacy of Macchiaioli Painting. From Fattori to Ghiglia, curated by Simona Bartolena, produced and realized by ViDi - Visit Different, in colla...

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