Exhibitions and events at Arcore

All exhibitions and events taking place in Arcore

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An exhibition on Federico Faruffini, a great protagonist of the Italian 1800s.

An exhibition on Federico Faruffini, a great protagonist of the Italian 1800s.

A major exhibition dedicated to one of the great protagonists of 19th-century Italian art, Federico Faruffini (Sesto San Giovanni, 1833 - Perugia, 1869), is coming to the Villa Borromeo d'Adda in Arcore (Monza Brianza) from April 9 to June 6, 2021. T...
Forgotten artist exhibition reopens: here is the monograph on Carla Maria Maggi

Forgotten artist exhibition reopens: here is the monograph on Carla Maria Maggi

The exhibition dedicated to Carla Maria Maggi (1913 - 2004), the forgotten artist we told you about in this news, reopens in Arcore. Before theCoronavirus emergency closed all museums inItaly, the exhibition Carla Maria Maggi, the rediscovered artist...
She was a talented artist, but was forced to be a bourgeois wife and mother. An exhibition rediscovers Carla Maria Maggi

She was a talented artist, but was forced to be a bourgeois wife and mother. An exhibition rediscovers Carla Maria Maggi

The city of Arcore is celebrating March 8 by rediscovering a talented artist whose memory had been lost, because despite her skills she found herself having to play a part that was not her own: we are talking about Carla Maria Maggi (1913 - 2004), th...

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