Exhibitions and events at Anghiari

All exhibitions and events taking place in Anghiari

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Uffizi Lands in Anghiari: an exhibition celebrates two battling intellectuals of the 16th and 17th centuries

Uffizi Lands in Anghiari: an exhibition celebrates two battling intellectuals of the 16th and 17th centuries

From May 27 to September 17, 2023, the Museum of the Battle and Anghiari presents the exhibition Intellectuals in Battle. Fame and Oblivion of Two Literati from the Battle of Anghiari to the Siege of Famagusta, curated by museum director Gabriele Maz...
Anghiari, an exhibition on women with medieval and Renaissance works

Anghiari, an exhibition on women with medieval and Renaissance works

From Nov. 5 to March 8, the village of Anghiari in Tuscany becomes a city of women, and it does so with a rich exhibition that will populate four spaces in its historic center with dozens of works depicting thefemale image from the Renaissance to the...
Anghiari, a group show of eighty artists celebrates the centenary of Margherita Hack's birth

Anghiari, a group show of eighty artists celebrates the centenary of Margherita Hack's birth

From June 12 to July 31, 2022, Villa Gennaioli in Anghiari is dedicating a group exhibition to Margherita Hack (Florence, 1922 - Trieste, 2013) to mark the centenary of the birth of the world-renownedastrophysicist. Anghiari under a starry dome, this...
Uffizi Lands, an exhibition in Anghiari on the link between Pope Julius II and the Tuscan city

Uffizi Lands, an exhibition in Anghiari on the link between Pope Julius II and the Tuscan city

From May 22 to Sept. 25, 2022, the Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari will host the exhibition Il Papa Guerriero Giuliano della Rovere e gli uomini d'arme di Anghiari (The Warrior Pope Giuliano della Rovere and the Men-at-Arms of Anghiari ), which a...
Warriors and cultured patrons: an exhibition on Renaissance men-at-arms in Anghiari

Warriors and cultured patrons: an exhibition on Renaissance men-at-arms in Anghiari

This is the third stage for the Terre degli Uffizi project, the palimpsest of exhibitions that the Uffizi Galleries are producing together with Fondazione CR Firenze in museums in Tuscany as part of their respective Uffizi Diffusi and Piccoli Grandi ...
In Anghiari, an exhibition on the... Battle of Anghiari, to remember the genius of Leonardo da Vinci

In Anghiari, an exhibition on the... Battle of Anghiari, to remember the genius of Leonardo da Vinci

A big exhibition for a small village: the urban center and territory of Anghiari are hosting an important event that is part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - 1519). In fact, from September...
Emilio Isgrò rereads Leonardo da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari. I will try to make a work that speaks to many

Emilio Isgrò rereads Leonardo da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari. I will try to make a work that speaks to many

From May 1 to August 4, 2019, the Museum of the Battle and An ghiari (Anghiari, Arezzo) hosts a confrontation between two great artists, one of the past and one of the contemporary: Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - Amboise, 1519) and Emilio Isgr&ogra...

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