Following the planetary success of Loving Vincent, Vincent Van Gogh returns to the center of a new film date that promises to enchant moviegoers. On March 4 and 5, 2025, Nexo Studios presents in Italian theaters the film Van Gogh. Poets and Lovers, a journey through London ’s acclaimed National Gallery exhibition devoted to the story of the celebrated Dutch painter.
Directed by David Bickerstaff and produced with Exhibition on Screen by Phil Grabsky, the film brings to the big screen an exhibition that marked a historic moment for the celebrated London institution. In fact, to accommodate the huge influx of visitors, the National Gallery organized a special night opening, the second in its history after the one reserved for the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition.
The film not only documents the exhibition’s staging, but also takes the viewer on a journey through Van Gogh’s best-loved works, such as Starry Night on the Rhone (1888), The Yellow House (1888), the famous Sunflowers (1888) and Van Gogh’s Chair (1889), alongside drawings of rare beauty and rarely exhibited works. Step by step, the director explores the painter’s relationship with poetry and love, his tireless artistic pursuits and his revolutionary use of color, offering audiences a unique perspective on Van Gogh’s life and art. The exhibition, among the main events of the National Gallery’s bicentennial, celebrates the decisive period Van Gogh spent between Arles and Saint-Rémy in southern France. It was in these places that the artist found the inspiration to radically transform his style. Some of his best-known masterpieces were born here, and his art reached the height of emotional intensity and technical innovation.
The film also investigates lesser-known aspects of Van Gogh’s life, such as the reasons that led him to move to the South of France and his hospitalization at the Hôtel-Dieu in Arles, made immortal by his paintings. Without indulging the artist’s suffering, the work focuses on his extraordinary intelligence and passion, which drove him to revolutionize the art world.
The National Gallery, founded by the British Parliament in 1824, is one of the most important museums in the world. It holds an extraordinary collection of paintings from the Western European tradition, from the 13th to the 20th century, with masterpieces by artists such as Leonardo, Monet, Raphael, Titian, Velázquez and, of course, Van Gogh. The exhibition Van Gogh. Poets and Lovers represents one of its most ambitious initiatives, created with the aim of bringing the public closer to art and offering a new key to interpreting the work of the Dutch painter.
Van Gogh. Poets and Lovers is the second event of the 2025 season of La Grande Arte al Cinema, Nexo Studios ’ original project that brings the most prestigious exhibitions on the international scene to the big screen. The film will be distributed exclusively in Italy by Nexo Studios, with media partners Radio Capital, Sky Arte, MYmovies and in collaboration with Abbonamento Musei. Pre-sales will be open starting Feb. 6, while the full list of theaters will be available on the official website of Nexo Studios (
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Van Gogh on film with a film about the National Gallery's exhibition-event |
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