The new season of Art Night on Rai5 begins. The first episode is on Lucio Amelio

Starting on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 9:15 p.m. on Rai 5, is the new season of Art Night, the public television arts program hosted again this year by Neri Marcorè. The first episode will be a documentary dedicated to Lucio Amelio, one of the greatest Italian gallery owners ever.

Starting Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 9:15 p.m. on Rai 5, the new season of Art Night, the public television art showcase, hosted again this year by Neri Marcorè, for a new journey through time among shapes and colors that tell the evolution of the concept of art itself, a deep dive into human creativity, beyond the surface, revealing the deep and meaningful roots of the constant dialogue between artists and the world around them. From the genius of the Renaissance to the daring dynamism of Futurism, to the provocative innovation of contemporary artists, mirroring the complex challenges of our age, there are many events not to be missed.

The first installment of the new series is dedicated to the great gallery owner Lucio Amelio, with Nicolangelo Gerolmini’s documentary featuring him. Amelio was a key figure in the international art scene: it was he who in 1980 put Andy Warhol - the leading exponent of American pop art - in contact with German artist Joseph Beuys; and it was he who, only a few months after this memorable meeting, brought together the world’s most famous visual artists in his hometown of Naples, which had been hit by the aftermath of a terrible earthquake. On that occasion, the world’s greatest names in art represented the tragedy and made their contribution to reconstruction, creating the document of an era: the “Terrae Motus” exhibition. Amelio was the deus-ex-machina and the genius: the magician who made the impossible possible.

Telling this story are Lucio’s friends and family, those who knew him and those who worked with him. But also his scholars, heirs, and the artists and gallery owners who treasured his experience and who, even today, admire his incredible artistic legacy. Among others: Anna Amelio, his sister in charge of the impressive Archive left by Lucio; Mario Franco, friend and documentarian; Achille Bonito Oliva; Andrea Viliani, curator of the “solo show” dedicated to him at the Madre museum in Naples, Angela Tecce, president of the Fondazione Donnaregina per le Arti Contemporanee in Naples and curator of the “Vesuvius” exhibition at Capodimonte, Nino Longobardi, an artist discovered and forged by Amelio, Tomas Arana, his assistant as well as direct witness of the fateful meeting between Beuys and Warhol. Plus the voices of Angelo Curti, Francesco Di Bennardo, Fabio Donato, Ernesto Esposito, Renato Esposito, Giuliana Gargiulo, Tiziana Maffei, Peppe Morra, Lia Rumma, Toni Servillo, and Ernesto Tatafiore. A beginning, in short, truly of a high standard.

Pictured: Lucio Amelio (right, foreground), with Andy Warhol (left) and Joseph Beuys (center).

The new season of Art Night on Rai5 begins. The first episode is on Lucio Amelio
The new season of Art Night on Rai5 begins. The first episode is on Lucio Amelio

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