The Little Prince turns 80 years old. Starting tomorrow on Rai Yoyo a new animated series dedicated to him

Starting Friday, August 11, a new animated series dedicated to the Little Prince arrives on Rai Yoyo, marking the 80th birthday of this petit Bonhomme with "wheat-colored hair."

Rai Yoyo celebrates the 80th anniversary of The Little Prince, a masterpiece by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, with a new animated series premiering. Starting Friday, August 11, every day at 10:10 a.m. on channel 43 and on RaiPlay, the new animated series The Little Prince and His Friends will air.

The series will see the Little Prince begin a fabulous journey among the stars accompanied by the Fox and the Rose, and two new friends, Carlotta and Elijah, two children from our world. Together they will all set off aboard theasteroid B612 transformed into the Asteroship. They will thus discover among a thousand adventures the universe and its inhabitants.
Each planet will be an opportunity to make new friends and discover new cultures. From the schoolyard to the edge of the galaxy, Elijah and Charlotte will learn to solve the problems of their daily lives by facing a parallel situation in the universe of the Little Prince.

Everyone will be able to identify with this petit Bonhomme with “wheat-colored hair” who came from another planet.

The Little Prince turns 80 years old. Starting tomorrow on Rai Yoyo a new animated series dedicated to him
The Little Prince turns 80 years old. Starting tomorrow on Rai Yoyo a new animated series dedicated to him

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