Silver Ribbons: Garrone's Io Capitano the most nominated film. There's Still Tomorrow is Film of the Year

Matteo Garrone's Io Capitano is the film that received the most nominations for the Silver Ribbon for Best Film 2024. Film Ribbon of the Year to Paola Cortellesi's C'è ancora domani.

Matteo Garrone ’sIo Capitano is the film that received the most nominations for the Silver Ribbon for Best Film 2024. This film is competing in the finalist “cinquina,” along with Comandante directed by Edoardo De Angelis, La Chimera by Alice Rohrwacher, Confidenza by Daniele Luchetti and I Dannati by Roberto Minervini, which was just awarded at the Cannes Film Festival. The announcement came from the Italian Cinema Journalists, who have already announced Paola Cortellesi’s C’è ancora domani as Film Ribbon of the Year. The awards ceremony will be held Thursday, June 27, at MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome.

Once again, some 40 films are competing as finalists. With 9 nominations, Matteo Garrone’s Io Capitano takes the lead, followed by Adagio, Enea and Palazzina Laf, each with 7 nominations. Edoardo De Angelis’ Comandante and Alice Rohrwacher’s La Chimera follow with 6 nominations, while Daniele Luchetti’s Confidenza received 5. Come pecore in mezzo ai lupi and Misericordia got 4. Another 6 films received 3 nominations, 8 got 2 nominations, and finally 14 films were still flagged. In the competition were films released #soloalcinema from June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 in this 78th edition of the Ribbons supported as always by the MiC Direzione Generale Cinema e audiovisivo, main sponsor SIAE - Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori: a choice of adherence to the Cinema Revolution initiative, the promotional campaign of the Ministry of Culture that relaunches cinema with discounted tickets.

Not all the nominations for Best Picture-which, moreover, concern the producers along with the director- coincide with the nominations for Best Director, a category in which, alongside Garrone and Rohrwacher, enter Pietro Castellitto(Aeneas), Stefano Sollima(Adagio) and Luca Guadagnino(Challengers), a nomination, the latter’last one, which offers the cue to remember that the Nastri d’Argento only include domestically produced films in the selection but have always considered Italian talent within international productions as well.

Going into the details of the nominations, the first works chosen - once again there are 6, one more than the traditional “cinquina” in consideration of a season with a very high number of debuts: Come pecore in mezzo ai lupi by Lyda Patitucci, Felicità by Micaela Ramazzotti, Gloria! by Margherita Vicario, Palazzina Laf by Michele Riondino, Una sterminata domenica by Alain Parroni and Zamora by Neri Marcorè, a “sestina” that signals three debut authors and four actors making their debut behind the camera.

The comedies in the “cinquina”: Romeo is Juliet by Giovanni Veronesi, Troppo azzurro by Filippo Barbagallo, Un altro Ferragosto by Paolo Virzì, Un mondo a parte by Riccardo Milani, and Volare by Margherita Buy.

Many novelties in the “cinquine” of actresses and actors: in this 78th edition’s selection, the lead actresses nominated are Simona Malato for Misericordia, Alba Rohrwacher for Mi fanno male i capelli, Isabella Ragonese for Come pecore in mezzo ai lupi, Micaela Ramazzotti for Felicità and Federica Rosellini for Confidenza. The supporting actors: Valentina Bellè for Lubo, Margherita Buy for Ten Minutes, Anna Ferraioli Ravel for Zamora, Chiara Noschese for Enea, and Isabella Rossellini for La Chimera. And, again, for leading actors: Antonio Albanese for Cento domeniche, Pierfrancesco Favino for Comandante, Elio Germano for Confidenza, Adriano Giannini for Adagio and Michele Riondino for Palazzina Laf. For supporting actors: Sergio Castellitto for Enea, Fabrizio Ferracane for Misericordia, Elio Germano for Palazzina Laf, Sergio Rubini for Felicità, and Toni Servillo for Adagio.

For comedy the nominated actresses are Anna Bonaiuto for Volare, Sabrina Ferilli for Un altro Ferragosto, Pilar Fogliati for Romeo is Juliet, Matilde Gioli for Cattiva coscienza, Virginia Raffaele for Un mondo a parte. The actors: Antonio Bannò for La guerra del Tiburtino Terzo, Andrea Carpenzano for Un altro Ferragosto, Maurizio Lombardi for Romeo is Juliet, Gabriel Montesi, Riccardo Scamarcio for Sei fratelli, Francesco Scianna for Cattiva coscienza.

Silver Ribbons: Garrone's Io Capitano the most nominated film. There's Still Tomorrow is Film of the Year
Silver Ribbons: Garrone's Io Capitano the most nominated film. There's Still Tomorrow is Film of the Year

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