Starting March 25, a new DocuWebSeries entitled Secret Bar oque dedicated to the Roman Baroque will be launched in digital form. The project is promoted by La Sapienza University of Rome, organized by the Renovatio Association with the collaboration of science popularizers. Every day for a week, episodes of the unprecedented DocuWebSeries will be published, guiding us to discover historical places in and around Rome. Thanks to drones and robotics, the footage is of high quality and edited by director Lorenzo Zeppa.
From the Lancisian Library to San’Ivo alla Sapienza, from Palazzo Spada to the Casino dell’Aurora in Palazzo Pallavicino to the hamlet of Poli, we will explore the historical-artistic treasures and secrets of lesser-known or hardly accessible places. They will be narrated and explained not only through state-of-the-art filming techniques, but also thanks to the contribution of scholars such as Massimo Moretti, Elisabetta Corsi and Candida Carella from La Sapienza University of Rome, Dalma Frascarelli from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and Giacomo Montanari from the University of Genoa, known to the general public for his important work of popularization on the Palazzi dei Rolli of Genoa, a UNESCO heritage site.
The project, of which Alessia Ceccarelli is the creator and manager, was funded by Sapienza University of Rome, as part of the Third Mission 2022-24 program; a program through which the University aims to “promote and foster the application, valorization, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, knowledge and technologies outside its own institutions.” To this end, it interacts with other entities, the productive fabric and society in its various forms and articulations, placing itself at the service of the community. " Secret Baroque is based on a broad and authoritative partnership, aiming to involve a wide and diverse audience to offer a new experience of discovery of the rich historical and artistic heritage of Rome and the villages of Lazio, focused mainly on the period from the late Renaissance to the late Baroque (1550-1690) and on places usually closed to the public. A highly innovative element is the format: the DocuWebSeries. This new mode of enjoyment, developed by the Renovatio Association of Genoa, involves the gradual online presentation of documentary episodes over an entire week. The episodes, which are short in duration (about 10 minutes), along with reels and posts on key social media, are designed to arouse interest and curiosity. Secret Baroque is designed especially for younger generations, to inform them about the importance of Italy’s cultural heritage through modern and scientifically rigorous language. The project is an accurate and compelling digital narrative, the result of multidisciplinary work from the encounter between scholars of various disciplines and freelancers of documented and consolidated experience, such as the members of the Renovatio Association. That is, the miniseries unveils figures and spaces (palaces, churches, libraries, gardens) that turn out to be little or not at all known to the general public, with the intention of helping to preserve and enhance this immeasurable cultural heritage.
The episodes will feature six different themes including:
1. Borgo di Poli in Lazio (Conti Palace); 2. Casino dell’Aurora Pallavicini (Rospigliosi-Pallavicini Palace); 3. Lancisian Library (Monumental Complex of Santo Spirito in Saxia); 4. Medical and Philosophical Thought in the Wisdom of the 1600s (Monumental Complex of St. Ivo alla Sapienza); 5. Spada Gallery (Palazzo Spada); 6. Scientific Thought in the Rome of the 1600s and Gallery of the Sundial of Palazzo Spada (main floor of the building - seat of the Italian Council of State). Relevant is the involvement of works of art of extraordinary beauty, such as Guido Reni’s Aurora fresco in the Casino Pallavicini on the Quirinale, Borromini’s Perspective Gallery, and the Spada Gallery picture gallery with works by Giovan Battista Gaulli, Artemisia Gentileschi, Orazio Gentileschi, Guido Reni, Titian, Domenichino and Bernini’s Bust of Laocoon.
It is directed by Lorenzo Zeppa, known for making high-quality documentaries on historical figures and places. His most renowned works include the documentary on Christopher Columbus for the City of Genoa and productions on Naples, Genoa, Alexandria, Volterra and the Sacra di San Michele. Zeppa is an expert in capturing and narrating the depth and detail of past centuries, masterfully using digital tools to enhance the beauty of the characters and monuments he narrates. Thanks to the DocuSeries, we will then be able to admire the unique conformation of the village of Poli, captured for the first time by drones. This new point of view will offer us striking views of the Roman countryside, such as Villa Catena, and admirable environments of Palazzo Conti and the now restored Lancisian Library. The Casino dell’Aurora Pallavicini, not usually accessible to the public, will also be featured, as will Borromini’s extraordinary Perspective Gallery, where drone footage will reveal the artist’s illusory play of perspective.
Secrets of Baroque Rome: from March 25, a brand new docuwebseries by Lorenzo Zeppa |
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