Rai5 devotes an entire evening to Bauhaus with two documentaries

On Friday, March 5 at 9:15 p.m., Rai 5 devotes an evening to the Bauhaus with two documentaries: one on the birth and development of the school, and one on Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

On Friday, March 5, at 9:15 p.m. on Rai5, Rai Cultura ’s Art Night program devotes an entire evening to Bauhaus, the school that, in early 20th-century Germany, was a laboratory but also a cultural reference for designers and architects. The episode is introduced by Alessio Aversa from the Maxxi in Rome, one of the places that has best combined the most innovative architecture with contemporary art. Along with him is Pippo Ciorra, Senior Curator of Maxxi Architettura.

Opening the evening is the documentary 100 Years of Bauhaus, by Niels Bolbrinker and Thomas Tielsch. The narrative proceeds in parallel between past and present, starting with the founding of the innovative school, the Staatliches Bauhaus, conceived by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919, ranging through realities that are similar but aesthetically very different in terms of impact and urban regime. It was here that architects from all over the world dreamed of building the cathedrals of the future after the disaster brought by World War I. An experimental place where intellectuals, architects, designers, artists and creative people of the period had gathered to initiate new, freer and more human-scale rules of life. Now, in the 21st century, the challenges of architecture are no different, and urban planning and design are key.

When we talk about Bauhaus we think ofmodern architecture, design and colorful figures, but the goal of these architects was not (and is not) to create “attractive” designs but to influence society with their work. This is where the Swiss architectural duo Urban Think Tank draws from today in their research aimed at building a vertical gymnasium in Colombian favelas, optimizing spaces and reclaimed materials to create a meeting place for those who don’t have one. The results are sometimes there, including declining crime and community aggregation, while other times they result in great abandoned flops, as is the case with the frightening (in size and features) core of housing buildings in the Parisian banlieue of La Grande Borne, now abandoned to its inhabitants.

Next, at 10:15 p.m., Art night features an episode of the series The Three Architects dedicated to Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, the last director of the Bauhaus. The documentary by Francesco Conversano and Nene Grignaffini, edited by Michael Obrist, recounts the most important stages of the career of one of the greatest architects of the 20th century. Mies van der Rohe’s vision was extremely complex and influenced other artistic disciplines.

Rai5 devotes an entire evening to Bauhaus with two documentaries
Rai5 devotes an entire evening to Bauhaus with two documentaries

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