RAI has unveiled its new 2022-2023 offer and decided to focus heavily on culture again. The Public Service’s “Culture and Educational” Genre, RAI explains, “traverses and travels through the many values that reside within a modern, variegated symbolic dimension - called creativity - and within a multiplicity of forms, and affects and works on shaping ways of seeing, feeling and representing a living space. The goal is to ’inhabit’ culture, to span different cultures within a palimpsest that can be as varied, as rich, as vibrant as possible. Culture must attract audiences and be able to generate sharing and discussion. It is clear that the areas of culture and education have a central role in this context: the country needs, today as never before, a growth in knowledge and skills that must be adapted to the new challenges to be faced and encourage the development, particularly among the younger generations, of active and aware forms of citizenship, oriented to the growth not only economic but also social and cultural of our community.”
A qualifying element of the editorial project being developed for the new Culture and Educational Directorate is the ability to renew the offer, conceiving and declining it on the entire Rai schedule and on all distribution channels, generalist, specialized and digital of the Public Service. “The Public Service,” explains the company in Viale Mazzini, “is in fact positioned today, also in its cultural and educational dimension, within a very rapidly evolving communication ecosystem, which proposes new challenges, presents new opportunities, and requires the ability to imagine and plan looking to the future. And it is precisely from this perspective, marked by the centrality of the public service function, that the Culture and Educational Department is operating.”
As far as Rai 1 is concerned, the prime-time offering is once again entrusted to Alberto Angela, who, according to Rai, is the face, the signature that best of all has been able to propose high content combining it with extraordinary ratings, with critical and image success. There will also be a novelty: airing Sunday, Dec. 25, 9:25 p.m., under the Christmas tree Angela will bring Stanotte a Milano, dedicated to the art and culture of the Lombard capital in a nocturnal journey. She will then return Wonders, Wednesdays at 9:25 p.m. through Dec. 28: “a declaration of love to the beauty and treasures peninsula with a tribute to the European Dream, to the building of an open, free, sustainable and inclusive world. Wonders,” Rai explains, “wants to evolve its narrative with a trip to Europe a way to tell beyond Italy the excellence of the countries around us, the neighboring countries, what together we have been able to build over the centuries. A journey that goes through the history of our country, crosses borders and reaches all European countries-Greece, France and Spain to name a few. Works, natural and artistic beauties, guests and reconstructions alternate with the story signed by Alberto Angela. Together they build an itinerary between art and natural beauty at sites recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites. The ability to hold together the strength of the past, the value of the present and the hope of the future, to defend and exalt common values: freedom, justice, tolerance, solidarity, participation, dialogue through beauty.” Angela is also present with Passaggio a Nord Ovest (Passage to the Northwest): the popular popularizer, every Saturday at 3 p.m. from Sept. 17, accompanies viewers to discover our planet and the different civilizations that characterize it. A journey into the past among pristine places to better understand human nature and the delicate balance that exists between man and earth.
Airing Saturdays at 6 a.m., from Sept. 17 there will be Rai1’s Il Caffè, the weekly show that with lightness and insight presents the cultural life of the country. A journey into the story of memory and the discovery of news among cinema, theater, literature and music. In each episode news, guests and features: a look at the most original aspects of Italian society, from literature to nonfiction, from theater to cinema, from art history to music. In one hour Pino Strabioli presents all the protagonists of yesterday and today, upcoming festivals, shows, concerts, books and the latest news reported in the main national newspapers.
On Rai 2, of note is Sapiens, Saturdays at 9:45 p.m. from Oct. 8: a journey to grasp all the different nuances of living on Earth, a different way of seeing our planet and grasping its fastest, changing and fragile aspects. A program that asks questions about man, nature, the earth and the future. In front of an increasingly attentive audience eager to understand the complexity in which they live, and through a direct and immediate approach, Mario Tozzi guides viewers inside a story that crosses the great themes of scientific popularization, recalls the past and faces the actuality of our days and the challenges of contemporaneity. A journey to the known, and unknown, regions and territories that have preserved an intact beauty: Italy, the Mediterranean and Europe. From these places a filmic narrative takes off, dealing with some crucial themes: the survival of the planet, environmental emergencies, climate change, the wonders of nature, adventure and exploration.
As for Rai 3, culture is a great protagonist of Access Prime Time, which has a strategic importance for the Culture and Educational Department and for Rai as a whole. “It provides an opportunity to design a coherent offer and to present other programs, faces and languages to the public,” Rai emphasizes, “in the wake of what has been done in this season finale with Corrado Augias and The Joy of Music. This is a way to give Disclosure and cultural news all a chance, a declination in each of its fields, from art to music, from theater to dance, from landscape to poetry.” This slot will feature Via dei Matti Numero 0 (Monday through Friday at 8:15 p.m., starting Sept. 5, with Stefano Bollani, an outreach program on music). In the morning and afternoon slots, there are Quante storie (Monday to Friday at 12:45 p.m., from Sept. 12: it is the appointment with Giorgio Zanchini’s books), Passato e presente (Monday to Friday at 1:15 p.m., from Sept. 12: historical popularization with Paolo Mieli), Conoscere (Monday to Thursday at 3 p.m:25, from Oct. 3), a new popularization program with Edoardo Camurri that will feature a humanist and a scientist in the studio to talk about art, science, law, literature, history, technology and more, and then Superquark Preparing for the Future (Fridays at 3:05 from Sept. 30), an appointment with science and technology by Alberto Angela, and Geo (Mondays to Fridays at 4 p.m., from Sept. 12), the journey into nature, the environment and science, as well as animals, by Sveva Sagramola and Emanuele Biggi. On weekends, space is also given to Kilimangiaro (Sundays at 5:15 p.m., from Oct. 2), with Camila Raznovich. Finally, in the second evening, On Rai 3 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays the space is auteur with Fuori Orario, the nightly container of cinema that through and thanks to television has experimented with a new way of showing cinema in all its visions, forms and contaminations.
As for Rai 5, the programs are different. They start with Di là dal fiume e tra gli alberi (on air Sundays at 9:15 p.m., from Dec. 4), a program on nature and territory with Serena Scorzoni, who presents the “Country Italy” through its known and less known territories, its cities, its villages, and again ports, islands, valleys. The ability to bring out the most hidden places, their soul, that of the inhabitants, beyond appearances, with an ironic and disenchanted look, but always respectful of the identity, thought and culture of the place. Then there will be Essere MAXXI (airing Wednesdays at 9:15 p.m., from Sept. 14): the greats of creativity and made in Italy tell their stories in the spaces of MAXXI - National Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome. A first-person account that allows the audience to be projected inside the secrets of the craft and the creative process. Featured is the making of the work through the direct voice of the authors. In this series: Letizia Battaglia, photographer; Mario Cucinella, architect and pioneer of sustainable architecture; Piero Lissoni, designer; Nicola Piovani, Oscar-winning composer; and Michelangelo Pistoletto, master ofArte Povera. Then here’s Art Rider (airing Wednesdays at 9:15 p.m., starting Oct. 26): art and adventure discovering the most hidden and unknown-or often ignored-places of our peninsula. In each episode, Andrea Angelucci, a young and dynamic archaeologist, eclectic tour guide and unpredictable travel designer, embarks on a journey to unearth and tell about the hidden art that lurks around the corner, in the small town near home or off the itineraries usually beaten by tourists.
Then there will be a new season of Art Night (airing Wednesdays at 9:15 p.m., starting Dec. 7): it is Rai’s only program devoted entirely to art. From paintings on cave walls, to the most recent expressions of contemporary art, Neri Marcorè guides the viewer on a journey back and forth in time, through the biographies of artists, the stories of the movements that have changed the perception of art, and the account of the dramatic and adventurous events to which the works are often subjected as characters in a larger story: the History of Man. Again, here is Prima della Prima (airing Fridays at 9:15 p.m., from Oct. 21), the historic Rai program that has always traveled “beyond the curtain,” discovering the secrets behind the staging of an opera, to reveal the “behind the scenes” of great stagings. A “making of” narrated to the viewer by artists and technicians engaged in the most renowned Italian theaters, with the aim of making visible a work that usually remains in the shadows, but also to document the creative ferment that characterizes our territory. Also noteworthy in the daytime is Evolution - Darwin’s Journey (airing Monday through Sunday, excluding Wednesdays, at 2 p.m., from Sept. 26): films on naturalistic territories around the world. On Mondays Gemma Giorgini introduces the week’s series of films. Evolution is what moves everything around us, which is about what happens around us, nature in all its forms, which lives, transforms, dies, reborn incessantly declining for millennia the infinite aspects of life on our planet. A nature with which man has always had to and will have to reckon with, being nevertheless an integral part of it. Finally, for the nostalgic, here is Stardust Memories (airing on Saturdays at 4 p.m.): from 2019, in the Saturday afternoon slot, the great theater classics from the Teche Rai, made in the studio between the 1950s and the 1980s, restored and proposed again to the television audience. The decision to traverse the history of theater by presenting in restored versions the interpretations of great Italian actors, rewrites and adaptations for the stage by first-rate authors and translators, and staging by historic theater directors on television stems from the desire to enhance and actualize the invaluable cultural heritage preserved in the Rai archives.
We close with three reports on Rai Storia. We begin with Julius Caesar and the De Bello Civile (airing Monday, Oct. 10 at 9:10 p.m.), a new story led by Cristoforo Gorno on the history of Rome, a crucial affair written by one of its greatest protagonists: Julius Caesar. In 49 BC. Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon, the river that marks the border between Cisalpine Gaul and the territory of Rome. It is an open challenge to the authority of the Senate, marking the beginning of a civil war that will profoundly affect the destinies of Rome and propel it into the imperial age. Christopher Gorno through De Bello Civile, written by Caesar himself, takes us through the highlights of the war. Then here is Unesco Heritage (airing Monday, Nov. 28 at 9:10 p.m.): on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention, Rai Cultura and MiC present two events dedicated to the anniversary. The first: a historical account of the first 50 years of the most important international treaty for the protection of humanity’s cultural and natural heritage. A journey through the main stages of the Unesco Convention timeline, touching on the main events and places. This is followed by a special appointment to discover the mechanisms that lead to the inscription of cultural or natural sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Finally, 1492 (airing Tuesday, Oct. 11, 9:10 p.m.): on the 530th anniversary of the discovery of America, the account of an extraordinary year, which went down in history for a discovery that changed the world and became, by convention, the watershed between the Middle Ages and the modern age. The tale of 1492 entrusted to the narration of Prof. Alessandro Barbero, but also to the testimonies of great personalities and ordinary people of the time, played by actors. With Prof. Barbero, traveling between Genoa and Florence, meeting the astronomer Zacuto, the very Catholic kings of Spain, Columbus’ companion and the only Genoese sailor on his first expedition, Vespucci, Savonarola, Torquemada, Rodrigo Borgia and others. The account not only of Columbus’ expedition, but also others of crucial events.
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Rai presents the 2022-2023 cultural schedule. From Alberto Angela two major new features |
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