Coming soon: masterpieces from Valtiberina told by Jacopo Veneziani on Finestre Sull'Arte

The filming of a mini-series of three videos dedicated to three masterpieces of the Tuscan Valtiberina has finished: they will be narrated by Jacopo Veneziani, art historian, popularizer and well-known face of TV, here on Finestre Sull'Arte.

Threevideos to narrate three masterpieces of the Tuscan Valtiberina. This is the new project of Finestre sull’Arte , which, together with Jacopo Veneziani, art historian and popularizer, a well-known face of culture on television (first on Rai Tre, now on La7), will publish soon three focuses on Piero della Francesca’s Polyptych of Mercy (at the Civic Museum of Sansepolcro), Jacopo della Quercia’s Madonna and Child (at the Museum of Palazzo Taglieschi in Anghiari) and Piero della Francesca’s Madonna del Parto (at the Civic Museum of Monterchi).

In the past few hours, filming was completed. The videos will be released soon, along with a series of in-depth written features (some of which, like the one on the Madonna del Parto, have already been published) to explore this little-known but extremely interesting area of Tuscany. Below are some backstage photos. The videos are made by Danae Project and distributed by Finestre sull’Arte.

Jacopo Veneziani during filming
Jacopo Veneziani during the filming
Jacopo Veneziani during filming
Jacopo Vene
ziani during the filming
Jacopo Veneziani during filming Jacopo Veneziani
the filming
Jacopo Veneziani during filming Jacopo Veneziani
the filming
Jacopo Veneziani during filming Jacopo Veneziani
the filming

Coming soon: masterpieces from Valtiberina told by Jacopo Veneziani on Finestre Sull'Arte
Coming soon: masterpieces from Valtiberina told by Jacopo Veneziani on Finestre Sull'Arte

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