At the cinema with €3.50. Cinema Revolution, the ministry's campaign, kicks off.

It will last from June 11 to September 21 Cinema Revolution, the campaign by which the Ministry of Culture promotes cinema in the summer. Many shows for only €3.50.

A summer of movies at the cinema spending only 3.50 euros. Lasting from June 11 to September 21 is the Cinema Revolution - What a Summer Show campaign, launched by the Ministry of Culture with an investment of about 20 million euros, to transform the hottest months of the year into an extraordinary season of films and promotions.

Cinema Revolution is an initiative strongly desired by all components of the film industry, from producers to distributors to exhibitors, with more than three thousand participating screens throughout Italy. The campaign will take place over three summer months, from June to September, during which new releases of Italian, European and international films will be shown in theaters and will be available to watch at the special price of €3.50. The very rich program of screenings is already available at

“A strong message, supported by a great investment: theaters are important social and cultural garrisons, we believe,” says Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Culture Lucia Borgonzoni, "that supporting them is a duty and for this summer we have put together a team game that sees the government and the entire Italian cinema system take the field for their restart. I thank all those who have contributed to the project and invite the public to experience a magical summer under the banner of Cinema Revolution, which I am sure will be a success."

The Cinema Revolution campaign will begin and end with the five-day Cinema in Celebration, the event that for five years (2022-2026) in June and September will include reduced-price admissions for normally scheduled films, previews, masterclasses and other special events in the presence of the protagonists. The 2023 editions of the initiative will be held, in fact, from Sunday, June 11 to Thursday, June 15, and from Sunday, September 17 to Thursday, September 21, in which going to the cinema will cost only €3.50 throughout Italy and in all participating theaters. Launched by ANICA and ANEC, with the support of the MiC and the collaboration of the David di Donatello - Accademia del Cinema Italiano, the first edition of Cinema in festa held in September 2022 had ended with great success, totaling 1.15 million viewers, and this year it will be an integral part of Cinema Revolution.

At the cinema with €3.50. Cinema Revolution, the ministry's campaign, kicks off.
At the cinema with €3.50. Cinema Revolution, the ministry's campaign, kicks off.

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