After the stop with controversy restarts tonight on Rai1 Noos, the program of Alberto Angela

Alberto Angela's program "Noos - The Adventure of Knowledge" returns tonight on Rai1 at 9:25 p.m., after being stopped with controversy.

After the stop with controversy for too much competition with Temptation Island, Alberto Angela ’s program Noos - The Adventure of Knowledge returns tonight on Rai1 at 9:25 pm. Rai had decided to postpone the last three episodes of the well-known popularizer’s program (aired on August 22, 29 and September 5 in prime time) “in agreement with the host and beyond of any fanciful reconstruction of the affair - in order to best protect and enhance a product of excellence, which represents a unicum in the Italian television landscape and is a flagship of the public service, thanks to Alberto Angela’s passion, divulging ability of absolute quality and professionalism.”

Tonight’s episode will open with spectacular BBC images from the African plains of the Serengeti with the lion. We will then talk about pet therapy, as scientific studies have looked at the benefits in the health status of those who care for a dog or cat.

Noos cameras will go inside an Italian reproductive medicine center to explore how science can support couples on their path to parenthood. In addition, the show will chronicle the extraordinary lives of Guglielmo Marconi and Steve Jobs, two innovators who transformed their eras and beyond. Another story will cover a new trial of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, used to modify the genome of a rice variety, making it resistant to a microscopic parasitic fungus without the use of fungicides.

Noos will also have a rich host lineup. Nutritionist Elisabetta Bernardi will dispel myths about gluten, while astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti will talk about the risks astronauts will face on the future lunar base. Actress and director Paola Cortellesi will voice an animated character who tells the story of the letters of the alphabet. Writer Carlo Lucarelli will narrate the story of a murderer unmasked by chance many years after a seemingly perfect crime. Paleontologist Alessandro Chiarenza will explain how the extinction of the dinosaurs occurred, while geopolitics expert Dario Fabbri will examine the power of the Internet and social networks, asking whether it is really superior to that of many states and nations. Professor Emmanuele Jannini will address the importance of “love synchrony” in couples’ sex lives. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, will discuss hygiene in ancient Rome. Telmo Pievani, a philosopher of biology, will explore a fascinating aspect of evolution: the conquest of land. Massimo Polidoro, psychologist and co-founder of CICAP, will explain how to guard against anger, a widespread but dangerous emotion.

Young popularizers will also be present: Edwige Pezzulli will show asteroids thanks to spectacular images from space probes; Giuliana Galati and Ruggero Rollini will perform physics and chemistry experiments to demonstrate how gases react to temperature changes; finally, Luca Perri will reread the Star Wars saga in a scientific key and reveal the secrets of hyperspace.

Noos - The Adventure of Knowledge, produced by Rai Cultura is a program by Alberto Angela. Written with Fabio Buttarelli and Lorenzo Pinna. And with Giovanni Carrada, Vito Lamberti, Paolo Magliocco, Aldo Piro and Emilio Quinto. Directed by Gabriele Cipollitti.

After the stop with controversy restarts tonight on Rai1 Noos, the program of Alberto Angela
After the stop with controversy restarts tonight on Rai1 Noos, the program of Alberto Angela

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