Novels and short stories aloud: famous actors and actresses read for you

Rai Play Radio provides over two hundred titles of novels and short stories read aloud by famous actresses and actors

Do you long to read a novel, but don’t have available exactly what you had in mind? Or do you wish someone would read a story to you, just like your parents did when you were a child?

Ad Alta Voce is Italy’s largest library of audiobooks, available to everyone, and you can find it on Rai Play Radio: over two hundred titles of novels and short stories read to you by the voices of Italian actresses and actors.

There is something for everyone, from Alice in Wonderland to A Clockwork Orange, from One Hundred Years of Solitude to Heart of Darkness, from The Decameron to Dracula, from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to The Betrothed, from The Three Musketeers to The Leopard, and many, many more.

You will hear your favorite novels read by the voices of, among others, Moni Ovadia, Alba Rohrwacher, Peppe and Toni Servillo, Lino Guanciale, Ennio Fantastichini, Tommaso Ragno, Alessandro Benvenuti, Paolo Poli, Iaia Forte, Pierfrancesco Favino.

All that remains is to say. enjoy your listening!

Novels and short stories aloud: famous actors and actresses read for you
Novels and short stories aloud: famous actors and actresses read for you

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