From bookstores to readers: books become takeaways to support independent bookstores

Libridaasporto + is born: the largest platform of independent bookstores now brings books to your doorstep.

Libridaasporto + is born. Since 2012 has been the portal of independent bookstores and on the platform it is possible to find the catalog of all the books and dvds on the market and all the bookstores scattered on the Italian territory from which to buy: so until now it was possible to order online and then pick up the purchases in the bookstore of your choice.

From today, thanks to the collaboration with LibridaAsporto, if the circuit bookstore is not close to home, it is possible to support an independent bookstore by requesting home delivery by the bookseller.

In 2020 from the reader coming to the bookstore we have moved to the bookstore coming to the reader: LibridaAsporto in 2020 is committed to bringing books from bookstores to readers; has been uniting readers, bookstores and creating community and exchange around books for years. In this difficult year we have rediscovered bookstores, from thematic bookstores to more generalist bookstores.

Now it is time to take it a step further, so that readers far away can reach bookstores far away, and this in one of the largest and longest-running social platforms dedicated to the book world,, a smooth and technologically accessible virtual space to bring bookstores and readers together.

In 2021, one year after the start of the health emergency, LibridaAsporto + is born. To bring the book everywhere while respecting local realities, enhance the bookstores scattered throughout Italy, allow more and more readers to discover independent bookstores. This is the idea behind LibridaAsporto +, that is, to make them protagonists and tell their stories.

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From bookstores to readers: books become takeaways to support independent bookstores
From bookstores to readers: books become takeaways to support independent bookstores

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