For the first time in history, the Divine Comedy will be released into space

Next October, a special edition of The Divine Comedy will go on a space mission and then be released into space.

A specialedition of The Divine Comedy, specially crafted in titanium and gold, will be released into space, where it will float as an eternal testament to human ingenuity.

On the occasion of the seven hundredth anniversary of Dante’s passing, the Bologna-based publishing house Scripta Maneant in collaboration with Human Space Services has come up with the Astra Maneant Dante among the Stars project to launch, in the truest sense of the word, its new edition of Dante’s masterpiece. The edition engraved on titanium and gold foil, the only materials that endure in infinite space, will be entrusted to the ISS-Expedition 66 space mission next October. The back will be engraved with the names of the project’s supporters.

This is the first time in history that this gesture will be made as an eternal testimony to the life and culture of planet Earth.

The publishing house will also publish in a limited edition (seven hundred copies) a twin copy of the special Divine Comedy, complete with signatures of the cosmonauts involved in the mission.

For the first time in history, the Divine Comedy will be released into space
For the first time in history, the Divine Comedy will be released into space

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